Confronting the demon of deceit

Op3Apostle Colin Nyathi  Open Heavens
COLOSSIANS 3 vs 9, “Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices.” Ephesians 4 vs 25, “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth, each one of you, with his neighbour, for we are members of one another.” Exodus 20 vs 16, “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.” 1 Timothy 4 vs 1-2, vs 1, “But the (Holy) Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach…” vs 2, “…through the hypocrisy and pretension of liars of whose  consciences are seared…”

 What is a lie?

A lie is any intentionally deceptive communication conveyed through our speech or actions.

Lying is giving out information that is not right, or that is distorted and untrue, to intentionally mislead another person. — False information. Lying is being deceitful, treacherous, or disloyal to others. The word of the Lord speaks against people who practise falsehood of any kind. The Lord wants us to be a people of truth, honesty and integrity. In fact that is what Christianity is founded on: integrity, honesty, and truth. Jesus himself said that He is the truth, therefore His children should be observed by the world as people of truth.

Unfortunately, Satan, who is the father of lies and deception, is out to promote his lies through anyone willing and available to be used by him.

Many people, even Christians, have no conviction as far as lying is concerned.

They can lie or practise any kind of falsehood or dishonesty without any guilt.

They have become professionals in the art of telling lies. At the drop of a hat they can lie. Through continued lying, and deceit, their consciences have been weakened, defiled and desensitized to the point that their spirits have become comfortable with lying. “They end up believing their own lies.”

1 Timothy 4 vs 2 says, “… having their own conscience seared with hot iron.”

(Umzwangedwa sewafa). When we lie, we negate our own integrity and actually sin against God. Unless we repent, the word of God says we will not inherit the kingdom of God.

 Why do people lie or practise falsehood?

1. People lie subtly to control or manipulate other people. They take advantage of you and control you. This is a dangerous form of deception.
2. People lie to manipulate and gain some control or power they could not if they told the truth.

3. People lie to get out of trouble, to survive, or for self-defence.
4. People lie to obscure the truth or to hinder their victim from achieving or obtaining their rightful gain.
5. People lie to save themselves from embarrassment and shame.

6. People lie because they think this is the only way to get ahead.

7. People lie because of selfish interests.
8. People lie because that is the kind of life they are used to. It’s like a drug to them, they must have it, they must lie daily.
According to statistics, women behave more ethically than men and have a higher moral standard than men do.

More men than women believe in cheating to get ahead.
More men than women believe in lying to get ahead.
More men than women compromise their values and engage in illegal activities.

Why we should not practise falsehood.

Lying hurts others and God hates it. Proverbs 6 vs 16 – 19, Vs 16, “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him…” Vs 17, 1. “A proud look..” 2. “… a lying tongue,” 3. “…hands that shed innocent blood,” Vs 18, 4. “…a heart that devises wicked plans,” 5. “…feet that are swift in running to evil,” Vs 19, 6. “…a false witness who speaks lies,” 7. “…and one who sows discord among brethren.” Of the seven things the Lord hates in the scripture above, three are to do with lying and falsehood. God hates lies — deal with lying no matter the cost.

Lies destroy the confidence others have in us. They cease to trust us, even when they want to.

Lying makes others resentful, disappointed and even suspicious of us.

We end up with a lot of enemies.

If you are a liar, you always have a lot of mending to do.
You have to have a super memory to keep your lies intact. You have to remember to whom you told what and why and when and where. I don’t think you ever enjoy your life, you are a slave of your lies. ¨ John 8 vs 32,

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

By lying you are throwing away your dignity and integrity as a human being. Nothing can undermine your integrity as much as and as quick as falsehood. It’s frustrating to live with liars.

Falsehood may bring short-term gains in your life, it may even give you power, but the price is high. When you are caught or exposed, you will be left in humiliation, stripped and naked.

Lying puts your spiritual life in danger. It strips you of the power of the Holy Spirit and weakens your testimony. It also opens your life to the enemy. I strongly believe that lies, no matter what form they take, have bad payoffs. Some people try to justify lies or even categorize them, but any lie made, even in protecting peers or clients or the boss, is wrong and against God’s word. Lying is too expensive, especially to Christians. It will cost you much. There are individuals or families that are known for lying. It can be an iniquity or curse. We have to confront dishonesty of any kind in our own lives.

Avoid slander

We need to avoid slander of any kind including misrepresenting, defaming and destroying other people’s reputations. Psalm 101 vs 5,

“Whoever secretly slanders his neighbour, him I will destroy, no one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure.” God himself says He will destroy such a person.

Avoid deceit

Deceit is to mislead or beguile other people and cause them to believe in falsehood. This has its roots in Satan. Satan practises deceit daily.
Psalm 101 vs 7, “He who practises deceit shall not dwell within my house, he who speaks falsehoods shall not maintain his position before me.” A person of  integrity never resorts to cheating or defrauding others. He avoids stealing or taking other people’s things as if they were his. Proverbs 12 vs 22, “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.”

Proverbs 20 vs 17, “Food gained by fraud tastes sweet to a man, but he ends up with a mouth full of gravel.” We must discipline ourselves to be truthful in all that we say. We must never be careless about the truth. Job says in Job 27 vs 5, “Till I die, I will not deny my integrity.”

 Test yourself in these areas:

→ Are you honest in your finances?
— How do you get them?
— Tithing and giving.
→ Do you exaggerate situations or your needs?
→ Do you misrepresent yourself?
→ When you give recommendation, are they honest?
→ Do you bribe to obtain things?
→ Do you steal other people’s time, phone, stationery?
→ Do you tell people what they want to hear or tell them the truth in love? e.g. ‘You look nice’, when a person looks like a gravedigger.

‘You are dressed smartly’, etc when you laugh at them behind their back.

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