2 Corinthians 2:9-8
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” I have spent a bit of time recently thinking about dreams, the things we sit around and hope our lives will turn out to be. Often times we don’t always get the things we wish for in the manner that we had envisaged. Nevertheless that does not mean we must give up in our belief that what we desire is possible.

Everyone at some stage is spurred on by desire. As the journey progresses and the years go by we begin to allow for the dreams to wash away as the reality of life sets in.

It’s often easier to give up on the dream, to just sit back and say this was not meant to be, it would never be. So many dreams have ended up in the dustbin of despair, in the hopelessness of the circumstances and reality.

It is written that Abraham always desired to have a child; I could almost confidently say that he dreamt of having his own kids running all over the place.

When he was seventy-five and well after the prescribed age for procreation, an angel appeared and reaffirmed that he and Sarah would have a child of their own.

As the years went by he continued to hold on to this promise. In a bid to expedite the process Sarah, hatched a plan for Abraham to have a child with her servant, as she wished it were.

A child was born, a human solution had been found to ensuring that the dream of a child in the family would occur.

We are somewhat like this great patriarch and his wife. Often time we get to a point where we seek to provide the solutions to our dreams or the promises we think we have been given.

Twenty-five years after the promise was given at an unimaginable age to bear children, Sarah gave birth to a son. The whole episode from start to finish was a miracle of Godly proportions.

We give up on our dreams believing that we have got to a point where we cannot pursue or hope to have our dreams and aspirations fulfilled.

We view and define age as per our human standards. Women above a particular age get to a point where they feel if they are unmarried it will never happen and if it does it’s too late for anything meaningful to occur, therefore the only possibility left is to believe that the provision of a partner is now an impossibility beyond GOD.

Men define life as per the acquisitions they have amassed, the influence they have been able to garner, and at some stage simply stagnant in the belief that what was cannot be and that time has passed the only thing left is to vegetate and waste away.

We are our own worst enemies. At the best of time, we want life to be in the physical, the things we can see and do. Our minds cannot see beyond the impossible. A friend of mine is nearly sixty and about to finish his law degree, a dream he has long cherished but could not fulfil in his earlier life.

In his fifties he embarked on a journey to make his dream to be a lawyer a reality. He firmly believes in the next two years he will be a practicing barrister. He has held on to his dream patiently, he waited and allowed it to align with God’s will for his life.

I bet there are so many things you have dreamt of and given up on. You have lost the zest for life, you have retired before the prescribed age of retirement, and you are committed to believing it will never be.

You know what; it’s not over till it’s over, we worship a GOD who can do the impossible who can make a 100 year old give birth to a child. After all, He created the human anatomy, at His command it will bow to His will.

Don’t give up on your dreams, but instead, hold on to them and pray that they will come to pass. Play your part when given the chance to push your dreams to fruition. The worst thing to do is to be given a chance and not do anything about. If your chance has not yet arrived believe in it and in time, the things you have seen in your sleep shall be.

Be blessed

Reflections of a Work In Progress

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