City of Gweru honours Xmas Eve birth assistance heroes

Chronicle Writers 

IN a heartwarming ceremony held at the Civic Centre, Gweru City Council honoured two unsung heroes — journalist Patrick Chitumba and Tinashe Chikwata — for their selfless act of kindness. The duo was presented with the prestigious “Delivery of Hope” award by Mayor Martin Chivhoko in recognition of their bravery in assisting a woman to give birth on Christmas Eve in Mkoba 13.

The award was a result of their selfless act, which has inspired the community and demonstrated the true spirit of kindness and compassion.

In the early hours of Christmas Eve, around 2AM, Chitumba and Chikwata’s chance encounter with the woman in need transformed them into unlikely heroes. Their swift action and assistance helped bring a new life into the world, and their bravery has earned them a special place in the hearts of the community. 

Chivhoko said the recognition of Chitumba and Chikwata’s heroic act serves as a reminder that ordinary individuals can make an extraordinary impact when given the opportunity. He said their story is a shining example of the power of kindness, compassion, and community spirit.

After a night out in Mkoba 15 suburb, they were approached by Lewis Simbarashe Ngazire, a frantic husband pleading for help. His wife, Lilian (19), was in active labour and needed to be rushed to Mkoba Polyclinic in Mkoba 13 suburb. As Ngazire recounted his wife’s situation in the car, they both assumed they would simply drop her off at the nearby clinic, conveniently located en route to where Chitumba stays. However, upon arriving at the house, they met a scene of escalating panic. A group of concerned neighbours had gathered outside, urgently informing them that Lilian’s labour had progressed rapidly, and she was already in the throes of childbirth.

With a power outage plunging the house into darkness, they relied on their phone torches to navigate the situation. Though lacking medical training, Chikwata quickly called his friend, Dr Tafara Gapare, a medical practitioner at Claybank Hospital in Gweru, for emergency guidance. 

Following Gapare’s instructions over the phone, Chitumba and Chikwata assisted with the delivery. They donned surgical gloves and, with the doctor’s precise directions, successfully tied and cut the umbilical cord.

The Mayor’s Christmas Cheer Fund donation ceremony also saw eight local institutions, including old people’s homes, and 275 individuals from around Gweru receiving food hampers as well as wheelchairs. 

Chivhoko said the heart-warming recognition of Chitumba, Chikwata, several other individuals, and companies highlighted the impact of ordinary individuals in making a remarkable difference in the communities.

“I would like to take a moment to recognise two extraordinary individuals who have demonstrated exceptional kindness and compassion. Mr Chitumba and Mr Chikwata, please stand up. These two gentlemen selflessly assisted a woman in labour, ensuring her safety and well-being. Your actions are a shining example of the community spirit we strive to foster. Congratulations, and thank you for being true life changers! Today I’m honoured to award you with a ‘Delivery of Hope’ award. Let us continue to inspire and motivate each other to make a positive impact in our community. Together, we can achieve great things,” he said.

Chikwata said he was overwhelmed with gratitude as he accepted the award from Chivhoko. 

“I am truly humbled to receive this award. I didn’t expect to be recognised for simply doing what I believed was the right thing to do. I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to the Gweru Mayor and the entire council for this honour,” he said. 

As Chikwata looked out at the crowd gathered at the Civic Centre, he reiterated his commitment to continuing to serve his community with compassion and kindness. 

“This award is not just a recognition of my actions, but also a reminder that we all have the power to make a positive impact on those around us,” he said.

Chivhoko also acknowledged companies that made the initiative possible, including Mr Henry Machingura of Blueroof Investments, Mr Enos Size of Size Investments, Dr Smelly Dube of River Valley Properties, and Vascom Entertainment. He said they managed to raise over US$13 000, ZWL73 000, and groceries worth US$7 000.

“In addition  to these generous donations, we have also received significant support in various forms, including ZWL73 000, US$13 000, and groceries worth US$7 000. Furthermore, we have received donations of five wheelchairs, three school fees vouchers, clothes, and sanitary wear. These donations have benefited eight local institutions and 275 individuals from around Gweru. We have also received stationery worth US$3 000,” said Chivhoko. 

He stressed that the assistance received by the beneficiaries is meant to support them and their families during challenging times. 

“I kindly request that you do not sell or exchange the items you receive. These donations are intended to provide relief and comfort, and selling them would undermine the spirit of kindness and generosity that drives our charity cheer fund,” said Chivhoko.



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