COMMENT: Let’s ALL stand up and celebrate crucial milestone ― our Uhuru

Zimbabwe’s independence is a significant milestone in the country’s history, marking the end of colonial rule and the beginning of self-governance. This event is not just a moment in history, but a continuous journey of freedom and self-determination. It is crucial for young people to stand up and celebrate this independence.

Understanding and appreciating the history of Zimbabwe’s struggle for independence is essential for young people. It provides context for the present and offers lessons for the future. By celebrating independence, young people acknowledge the sacrifices made by the liberation war heroes and gain a deeper understanding of the country’s past.

Remembering and celebrating our heroes is an integral part of any nation’s identity. It is through this act of remembrance that we honour their sacrifices and ensure that their stories continue to inspire future generations. In the context of Zimbabwe, the liberation war heroes represent the resilience and determination of a people who refused to be oppressed.


The liberation war in Zimbabwe was fought by many brave individuals, who believed in the cause of freedom. These heroes came from all walks of life, united by a common goal – to free their country from colonial rule. Their stories are a testament to their bravery and dedication.

The heroes of the Zimbabwean liberation war left a lasting legacy that continues to shape the country today. Their struggle for freedom laid the foundation for the Zimbabwe we know today — a sovereign nation, proud of its rich cultural heritage and its hard-won independence.

As we celebrate the heroes of the Zimbabwean liberation war, let us remember the values they fought for — freedom, justice, and equality. Let us honour their memory by striving to uphold these values in our own lives and in our nation. Their legacy is our inheritance, and it is our responsibility to ensure that their sacrifices were not in vain.

The celebration of Zimbabwe’s independence is not just a commemoration of the past; it’s a call to action for the future. It’s a call to young people to stand up, celebrate, and take an active role in shaping the future of Zimbabwe. By doing so, they honour the legacy of the liberation war heroes and contribute to the ongoing journey of freedom and self-determination. So, let’s stand up, celebrate, and continue the legacy of independence for a brighter, better Zimbabwe.






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