EDITORIAL COMMENT: Zanu-PF conference gone, time to implement resolutions

Zanu-PF is the ruling party in our country and for that reason, internal activities in that organisation matter for all citizens.

It is the party whose resolutions and policy positions get implemented by the Government with an obvious impact on the country and its people.  Because of this, we followed with keen interest as President Mnangagwa led the revolutionary party through its 18th Annual National People’s Conference at Goromonzi last week.  

Held under the theme “Modernise, Mechanise and Grow the Economy Towards Vision 2030,” the convention at Goromonzi High School in Mashonaland East Province, tackled a range of issues among them agriculture, mining, the national currency, ways to arrest corruption and so on.  Yet another important decision emerging from the conference was its formal endorsement of President Mnangagwa as the party’s sole presidential candidate for the 2023 elections.  Four years in advance of the harmonised elections, the party announced at the weekend that it is already ready to participate and win those elections with a target to get five million votes.   

Broadly, the conference deliberations were about the economy.  Delegates discussed the state of the economy, which, of course is not pleasing.  More importantly, they proceeded beyond merely describing the economic challenges, their impact on the people and being regretful about it, by coming up with strategies to get the economy back on even keel.  President Mnangagwa, officially opening and closing the conference said the Government will continue strengthening the local currency.  Delegates agreed that corruption will be punished; that discipline and honest hard work among citizens form the fulcrum of all development and that the health delivery system will continue getting top party and Government priority, the same for education.  

We agree with the party’s secretary for information and publicity, Cde Simon Khaya Moyo that the conference was a success and a milestone.  

“The conference stuck to its theme ‘Mechanise, modernise and grow the economy towards vision 2030,’” he said.

“The agenda and programme were followed with strict discipline and seriousness of purpose, so were the thematic discussions in various committees and the resolutions which ensued and were unanimously passed by the conference. It was indeed a milestone conference reflective of a people’s party as evidenced by the discipline and enthusiasm of delegates from all the 10 provinces.”

Through various resolutions, the party directed the Government to constantly monitor the implementation of Vision 2030, revive gold mining, open closed factories, revive irrigation systems, seek to attain 50-50 representation at all levels and to strengthen the engagement and reengagement drive. 

 We look forward to all these and more resolutions being implemented expeditiously for the development of the country.  

On strictly party issues, the conference’s endorsement of the President as the party’s sole presidential candidate for the 2023 elections was timely and very important in a number of ways.  It asserts that there is stability and predictability at the top of the party.  It removes any questions that some at home and abroad might have had on the direction that Zanu-PF is going and, given the party’s long tradition of winning elections, the direction that the Government and the country are going.  

We know, for example, that investors always pay attention to the stability of nations into which they put or plan to put their money.  They want to have an idea of the identity of the leader and party they would be dealing with over a period of time into the future.  

With this knowledge, as in the case of Zanu-PF at this stage, they can know that policies would be basically consistent and sort of anticipate future policy decisions by President Mnangagwa, his party and Government.  They can then make policy decisions on that basis.  Now that it is clear that President Mnangagwa will represent the party in 2023 and being the odds-on favourite to retain power, existing and potential investors can make firm decisions on the future of their investments in the country.

In a stirring message to his party President said Zanu-PF was alive and united while challenging the rank and file to continue working hard and being vigilant.

“We must each play our part in Zanu-PF,” he said. Tinoti iwe neni tine basa.  What message will you carry home? . . . Go back home and tell the people that: one, the party is alive, Zanu-PF imhenyu. Two, Zanu-PF is united, imhenyu, yakabatana.  As we come to the end of this mega event, let these resolutions that we have made here embolden us and inspire action.  

“These conferences are not talking shows. We must deliver on our promises. To this we must remain focused, united and guided by our party constitution.  We have reached the end of this conference. This conference is the biggest conference of any political party that may come into your mind, if there is any, please tell me.  I exhort you to be vigilant in the coming year and going forward. Keep your eyes and ears open.”

As all Zanu-PF congresses and conferences, Goromonzi was a carnival.  It was all colour – green, red, white and yellow as high-spirited cadres mixed serious business and real fun.  A modelling contest featuring some party beauties, song and dance sealed the fun!

The party must have emerged from Goromonzi united and reinvigorated to continue governing the country to economic recovery and greater prosperity.  

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