Gain Cash and Carry plans major  expansion of Okusebhokisini Promotion Gain Bulawayo Express Branch manager Makhosini Soweto (left) congratulates the Gain Okusebhokisini promotion home solar kit winner Chipo Chipungare in Bulawayo yesterday (Picture by Lubelihle Mathe)

Nokuthaba Brita Ncube, [email protected] 

LOCAL wholesaler, Gain Cash and Carry has unveiled ambitious plans to expand its Zvirimubhokisi/Okusebhokisini Promotion, aiming to make it bigger and better in the coming years.

The wholesaler, which operates 83 branches across the country, held its handover ceremony yesterday at its express branch along Khami Road in Bulawayo. The promotion ran from November 21 to December 31, 2024.

Speaking at the event, Gain Cash and Carry’s Head of Marketing, Mr Carl Kusada, outlined the company’s vision to scale up the promotion.

“Going forward this year, if all goes well, we are expecting to have six trucks, six solar kits, six sets of 1  000 chicks and feed combos to give away. Our promotion is going to get bigger and better each year,” he said.

The recently concluded promotion awarded prizes including three Mazda T35 trucks, three 4KVA home solar kits, and three sets of 1 000 broiler chicks with full feed packages. The prizes were distributed across three regions: North, South and Lowveld.

“Tomorrow, we will be in Chiredzi for another handover, and on Friday, we will be in Harare, bringing the total to nine winners for this promotion,” said Mr Kusada.

During the six-week promotion, the company also gave away US$50 shopping vouchers—two per branch—across its 83 branches each week.

Reflecting on the first edition of the promotion in 2023, Mr Kusada noted that it featured a smaller prize pool with just one truck, one 4KVA solar kit and one set of 1 000 chicks with feed.

He expressed gratitude to customers, stakeholders and suppliers for their support during the promotion, emphasising the company’s commitment to improving the initiative.

Mr Kusada explained that the selection process for winners was conducted electronically, eliminating the need for paperwork. Customers who spent US$100 or more at Gain Cash and Carry had their names and details captured at the tills, automatically entering them into the draw.

The final draw was held live on Facebook, featuring a countdown timer.

“Once the timer hit zero, the name that appeared was the winner. The process was efficient and transparent,” said Mr Kusada.

One of the winners, Ms Chipo Chipungare from Mbizo 6, Kwekwe, won a 4KVA home solar kit. A broiler breeder and regular customer at Gain Cash and Carry, Ms Chipungare shared her excitement.

“When I was informed about it yesterday, I could hardly believe it. I only realised it was true today,” she said.

Ms Chipungare, who purchases feed for her chicks and groceries for her shop from Gain Cash and Carry, encouraged others to shop at the wholesaler for a chance to win in future promotions. 


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