HCCL Holdings  diversifies into agriculture Mr William Gambiza

Leonard Ncube, [email protected]

HWANGE Colliery Company (HCCL) Holdings has diversified its business to include agriculture with the aim of empowering communities through strategic partnerships.

HCCL managing director, Mr William Gambiza, told a cross section of stakeholders at the just-ended Matabeleland North Agricultural Show’s business conference that the coal mining company has opened the Hwange-Zambezi Agricultural Company to that effect.

He said the Hwange-Zambezi Agricultural Company will operate in Matabeleland region and work closely with the farming communities.

“It is important for everyone of us to know that crop farming is just one line of agriculture. Agriculture encompasses wildlife management, livestock and supply services,” he said.

Hwange Colliery Company

“Indeed, there is service in that it provides the basics for social needs and also creates strong supply chains and encourage growth,” said Mr Gambiza.

“As HCCL, we have derived significant value from this sector. To us, agriculture is our home, our market area and as such, we shall remain committed to this sector.”

He said after realising the attractiveness of agriculture, they saw an opportunity to commercially participate in the sector and that as a company that is under reconstruction, they have embraced diversification for future growth.

“We do have a new baby, which commercially deals with agriculture and the company is structured to generate sustainable value and it is a company that is currently in place and we want to make it grow,” said Mr Gambiza.

He said HCCL Holdings has planned to invest significantly in pig production, horticulture, livestock and wildlife management.

“We shall see it operate profitably. It is a company that is set to operate in the context of Matabeleland region. The Hwange Zambezi Agricultural Company also aims to empower locals through strategic partnerships,” said Mr Gambiza.

“As we speak, we have started bankrolling a programme, which is meant to empower individuals and other small scale entities with interest in poultry.”

He said HCCL Holdings will benefit from the project while ordinary citizens will also get jobs and improve their livelihoods through enhanced production.

The annual agricultural expo was held under the theme: “Revolutionalising the local resource capital through value addition and beneficiation,” and ran between Wednesday and Saturday. —@ncubeleon

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