The Chronicle

Health Matters: Meat, eggs and dairy products, the untold story


Trust Marandure
WE have not been told the truth by the meat, dairy and egg industries.

It is these very industries that provide the educational material of our public schools and even for the American Medicine Association and American Dietetic Association. For years the meat, dairy and egg industries, doctors and nutritionists have told us that we need meat, dairy products and eggs for proteins and strength while dairy is also said to be a source for calcium.

My research has revealed just the opposite. There is no usable protein in the meat and eggs we eat, no assimilable calcium in the milk products we consume but to a certain extent, meat, dairy and eggs sap our strength, do great harm to our body and shorten our lives. The facts are that meat, dairy and eggs can be linked directly or indirectly to about 90 percent of all physical problems and deaths in the world.

It is said 50 percent of all Americans die from heart attacks and strokes. Heart attacks and strokes are caused primarily by the clogging of the arteries with fat cholesterol. The average meat, egg, dairy consumer in America today puts into their body through the use of animal products over 50 pounds of fat per year. It is interesting to note that the only source of bad cholesterol is in animal products.

Thirty-three percent of all Americans die of cancer

Cancer continues to take more and more lives. Approximately 500,000 Americans die from cancer each year. One out of every three Americans will develop cancer during their lifetime. Colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer are the fastest growing cancers in America today and the primary cause of these cancers is the consumption of animal products. The relationship between diets high in animal protein and cancer has been clearly established. Cancerous cells feed on animal protein, which triggers the abnormal proliferation of cells.

Eight percent of people die from diabetes

Diabetes is becoming more and more prevalent each year. Yet adult onset diabetes is usually not a sugar problem, nor a failure of the pancreas to produce enough insulin but rather a fat problem. Adult-onset diabetes is usually caused by fat and cholesterol, which coats the cells and prevents the insulin from reaching the insulin receptor within the cell. Sadly, the high animal protein diet most doctors prescribe for their diabetic patients is the very thing that causes diabetes.

Often in my seminars, Christians will challenge me by stating that people ate meat in the bible. That maybe true, I answer, but the meat in the bible days and the meat our forefathers ate was a totally different animal. The meat in the bible days and the meat our forefathers ate was only about three percent fat. Beef, the way it is grown today is 20 to 30 percent fat while pork is 40 to 60 percent fat.

The meat our fore-fathers ate was not full of antibiotics, growth hormones, preservatives toxins and cancer. They did not pasteurise and homogenise their milk or produce eggs in wire cages without benefit of daylight, green food, insect, among other things.  The effect growth hormones are having on the youth is producing a social tragedy that I find particularly distressing. This one will shock you. In the year 1950, the age of a puberty for a young lady was around age 17. But something which happened during the 1950s has had a devastating effect on our young people. They started feeding animals growth hormones to make them ready to market sooner and fast foods restaurants came on the scene.

Because of these growth hormones and the increased consumption of meat by youths in America, due to its easy availability through fast foods restaurants, the age of puberty in the past 40 years has dropped from age 16-17 to age 10-11. One paediatrician reported recently that large numbers of girls as young as seven, eight and nine years old are now menstruating .This capability to reproduce is coming much too early in life and the young people are not mature enough mentally or emotionally to handle it .This is creating a monumental problem for our youth, their parents, teachers, youth workers, and society as a whole. These growth hormones have also found their way into our milk and dairy products.

Often people will say I don’t eat red meat any more . . . I only eat chicken and fish. Somehow, most people have the misconception that chicken and fish are health. Not so. Chicken has the same amount of cholesterol as beef and is loaded with growth hormones. A chicken that used to take 15 weeks to mature is now ready for market in six weeks. Sixty percent of all chicken is contaminated with salmonella. Then there are the antibiotics and other drugs.  And when we look at fish, we find that in terms of calories consumed, fish has twice cholesterol of pork or beef, has no fibre, as is the case with all other animal products. This promotes problems connected with lack of fibre ranging from constipation to colon cancer, not to mention the risks associated with eating contaminated fish from polluted waters. Studies consistently show that when a person switches from a red meat diet to a diet high in chicken and fish, there is no drop in serum cholesterol levels.

Meat eating and the use of dairy products have not a single redeeming feature, there is no assimilable protein in meat or eggs and no usable calcium in dairy. Why? You may ask. This is because the heating (cooking) of the protein deranges the molecular structure of the protein, making it unassimilable by the body. The pasteurising of dairy products changes the organic calcium to an inorganic, unusable form. If we look to nature, there is not a single meat eating animal in the world that cooks the flesh it eats, nor is there an animal in the world that pasteurises the milk it feeds its young. Nor is there even an animal in the wild that drinks the milk of another animal or drinks milk after the age of weaning.

Milk as nutrition produces allergies in infants, diarrhoea and cramps in the older child and adult. It may be a factor in the development of heart attacks and strokes. Other disorders that are linked to milk include gastrointestinal bleeding, iron-deficiency anemia, skin rashes, atheroscleorosis, acne, recurrent ear infection and bronchitis. And there is more; leukemia, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis  and simple dental decay have also been proposed as candidates of milk.

If you consume one egg per day you are likely to have a 12 percent rise in heart attack as the egg causes a 12 percent rise in blood cholesterol. The amount of cholesterol in an average egg is 275mg while the amount of cholesterol in chicken is 25 mg per ounce, the same as beef. The main source of cholesterol in animal flesh is the lean portion. The best diet is the one involving fruits and raw vegetables. There is no cholesterol found in all grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seed.

The chances of dying from heart disease if you do not consume cholesterol foods are less than four percent.

The writer Trust Marandure is an Naturopath practitioner based in Bulawayo. He can be contacted 0772482382, email: