The Chronicle

Highlanders to renovate, extend ‘Hotel California’

Kenneth Mhlophe

Ricky Zililo, Senior Sports Reporter
Highlanders FC’s Luveve residence popularly known as Hotel California is set to undergo a major facelift following completion of a development plan that will be submitted to Bulawayo City Council after the coronavirus lockdown.

Bosso intends to extend Hotel California and turn it into a five-star lodging facility where their first team will camp for home games.

In the past Highlanders used to camp at the facility, situated at Luveve’s medium density area, opposite Lobengula along Luveve Road.

The club saved substantial camping costs, only buying food for the team whenever they stayed at Hotel California to prepare for home games.

Kenneth Mhlophe, the Highlanders’ chairman, said the Luveve camping house project will start after completion of the restoration of training grounds at the clubhouse.

Bosso embarked on a process to revamp the clubhouse in February, as part of the club’s plan to save costs in training fees.

The grounds restoration project set to take four months has been stalled by the Covid-19 lockdown.

“We intend to turn Hotel California into a state of the art lodge where the team and its technical staff will be able to camp. The plan for extension of California Hotel has been done. We will advise our members accordingly on these developments because we will need everyone’s input to make sure that we complete the California project to save the club substantial camping amounts. When not playing at home, the facility will be available for hire at market rates,” said Mhlophe.

Highlanders’ Luveve residence used to house the club’s players from outside Bulawayo.

In recent years, Highlanders has been accommodating players on trial at city lodges. — @ZililoR.