. . . Homes and school damaged by rains roof tops covered with canvas after asbestos were damaged by rains at Ntabazinduna flats in Bulawayo

Raymond Jaravaza, [email protected] 

THE rainy season has left several homes in Bulawayo and a primary school damaged, although no injuries or fatalities have been recorded, according to statistics from the Bulawayo Fire Brigade.

The most significant damage occurred in Barbourfields suburb, where roofs were blown off several homes, and at Mahlabezulu Primary School in Tshabalala, which lost the roof of a classroom block. In addition, multiple trees were uprooted or fell in neighbourhoods such as Kumalo, Parklands, North End and Killarney. 

In the city’s central business district (CBD), a tree collapsed onto a parked commuter omnibus taxi at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Fort Street in November last year. 

The Bulawayo Fire Brigade has responded to several calls in Barbourfields suburb, particularly at Ntabazinduna Flats, where the roofs of four homes have been damaged since the onset of the rainy season. 


Mrs Lorraine Ndaba, a resident of Ntabazinduna Flats, recounted waking up to a deafening noise as strong winds tore off asbestos sheets from her roof. 

“The rains were accompanied by gusty winds, and asbestos sheets from our roof were ripped away. The Fire Brigade arrived and covered the exposed area with a green nylon fabric to protect our belongings from being soaked,” said Mrs Ndaba, who lives with her sister and six children.

A flooded house in Mahatshula North


However, replacing the damaged asbestos sheets remains a challenge due to their unavailability at local hardware stores.

“Since our flats were built decades ago, the specific type of asbestos sheets we need is no longer in stock. I have no idea what I’ll do if the Fire Brigade reclaims the nylon fabric covering the roof,” said Mrs Ndaba.

A stone’s throw from her house, another home at Ntabazinduna Flats lost a portion of its roof and is also covered by a huge nylon fabric.

In Tshabalala, Mahlabezulu Primary School suffered a similar misfortune when the roof of a classroom block was blown off last month. With schools reopening soon, pupils from the damaged classroom block will need to be accommodated elsewhere within the school during repairs. Miss Margaret Moyo, a parent, expressed her concerns.

“It’s understandable that no one could have anticipated this damage. I hope parents are informed about how much we need to contribute for the repairs so they can be completed quickly,” she said.

Bulawayo Fire Brigade chief fire officer Mr Mhlangano Moyo confirmed the damage across Barbourfields and Tshabalala suburbs since the onset of the rainy season. 

“The Fire Brigade responded to incidents at house numbers 190, 192, and 204 at Ntabazinduna Flats, another home at house number 127 in Barbourfields, and Mahlabezulu Primary School in Tshabalala,” he said.

Last November, six homes in Mahatshula North were submerged during a heavy downpour. Household property was damaged as water flooded the residences. The emergency teams had to create weep holes in perimeter walls to drain excess water effectively.


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