Introducing the Unorthodox Writer, Moses Ngilazi Moses Fezile

Mthabisi Tshuma
Email: [email protected]

RENOWNED for his unapologetic and refreshingly honest approach, Moses Ngilazi is a budding author eager to revolutionise the world of motivation with his inspirational messages.

In a realm dominated by clichés and shallow advice, Ngilazi’s unique voice and perspective are a breath of fresh air.
Drawing inspiration from his personal experiences, engaging discussions with others, and reflections on community stories, Ngilazi’s messages are genuine, relatable, and impactful. His writing journey began by jotting down key points from conversations in his phone’s memo app, which he later expanded into thought-provoking articles.

Ngilazi’s mission is to share his distinctive voice and vision, offering a fresh perspective on the world around us.
He explained that he is not just another motivational speaker regurgitating tired advice but someone who has navigated life’s ups and downs and emerged with valuable wisdom to share.

“The world of motivation has become a stagnant pool of clichés. We’re fed the same tired advice, regurgitated ad nauseam: ‘Believe in yourself!’ ‘Never give up!’ ‘Haters gonna hate, but you do you!’ Instagram feeds of #celebrities are awash with these trite phrases, carefully crafted to garner likes and followers. But let’s be real – these soundbites are about as effective as a participation trophy.

“I think it’s time for a change. I want to share some real, honest advice that might actually make a difference. And I’m not just talking about your run-of-the-mill motivational speaker stuff. I’m talking about the kind of advice that comes from experience, from making mistakes, and from learning from them,” said Ngilazi. He added that his inspiration stems from engaging discussions with the people he meets.

“During conversations with co-workers, I often jot down key points in my phone’s memo app to revisit later. After work, I expand on these ideas, drafting articles that reflect my genuine thoughts and perspectives.

“I also draw inspiration from my community, shedding light on untold stories and unseen realities. My goal is to share my unique voice and vision, offering a fresh perspective on the world around us. I’m not just another person spouting clichés and empty advice. I’m someone who’s been through the ups and downs of life and has come out the other side with some real wisdom to share,” said Ngilazi.

Ngilazi expressed gratitude to individuals who have had a significant impact on his life.
“I completed my Ordinary Level at Hlezana Secondary School eight years ago. Due to financial constraints, I couldn’t pursue further education. Instead, I focused on making a living and creating a better life for myself. I want to extend my gratitude to one of my primary school teachers, Rodney Tapesana, who laid the foundation for my basic education at Chitanga Primary School.

“Additionally, I appreciate the guidance of my high school teachers, particularly Mr Ignatious Mahobele Ncube, who taught me mathematics during my first year. Miss Catherine Mayani, Mr Apeat Aptitude Gumbo, and Mr Austin Musingarimi also played very important roles in shaping my educational background. My condolences go out to the family of Mr Richard Mananga, our former principal, who passed away. May his soul rest in peace. I’m proud of who I am today, and I’m grateful for the journey that has brought me here.

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