‘IPPs key to boosting domestic power supplies’

Nokuthaba Brita Ncube, [email protected]

ENERGY and Power Development Minister, Edgar Moyo, has stressed the importance of diversifying power supply sources.

He advocates increased support and procurement from Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and the continued engagement of third-party players in the reformed electricity supply industry to address the ongoing power supply deficit.

The Zimbabwe Power Company presently generates an average of 1 332 megawatts daily.

The country has experienced significant energy challenges over the past decade, with frequent power outages and an over-reliance on hydroelectric power, which has been affected by erratic rainfall patterns.

Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC)

Speaking recently in Parliament on the power supply situation and the mitigation measures that will be implemented to narrow the supply-demand gap, Minister Moyo lamented that the forecast demand stands at 1  735 megawatts, which would result in continued curtailment if there are no significant interventions.

“There is a need to increase power supply sources through support and procurement from independent power producers and the continued involvement of third parties in the reformed electricity supply industry, like Intensive Energy User Group, Utility Warehousing, Africa Green Coal, Negomo, and others,” he said.

He highlighted these players procure power locally and regionally and supply directly to customers, improving energy efficiency.

The Government has undertaken reforms, including offering various incentives to encourage independent power producers and private sector participation in the renewable energy sector.

Minister Moyo further noted that the repowering of Units 1 to 6 within 48 to 60 months in the short term will restore the station’s capacity to at least 840 megawatts, which should significantly curtail load shedding and stabilise the power supply for the country.

The country is also transforming its energy sector with new capacity to concentrate on clean energy sources in line with global climate change mitigation approaches, while creating a solid base for powering its industrialisation drive to meet Vision 2030 targets.


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