The Chronicle

Is it being a genius or what?

SUCCESS or being successful is just but a vague expression if it does not have the terms of reference. Do older successful people prosper because they have been here on mother earth longer than others or they are just pure geniuses? On the other hand we need to guard against jealous tendencies of not giving credit where it is due.

In between lies the facts, and then the truth.

Investing in Oliver “Tuku” Mtukudzi for instance would have been like investing in a plantation estate.

It will have taken old money to sustain such slow gradual growth and you needed to be patient.

Even shareholders will not have been happy with this style as that means dividends are forgone for a very long period.

Tuku wasn’t an impact player on the music scene like some music players then as he is now.

He would not have made a good turnaround strategy then. If we would have wanted to popularise music, then Tuku will have been a bad choice.

Assuming the legendary musician was a captain of industry, I will have preferred him to come aboard after the business has achieved growth status and was looking at stabilising the market share.

This is because Tuku, surely, has staying power due to his perseverance. However, for quick solutions and turnaround of business, Leonard Dembo (the late) style or even Alick Macheso “Cheso power” will be my style.

Come in, shake things up and achieve your objectives in the best possible shortest way, then let the Tukus of this world come take over.

Shaking things doesn’t mean you need staying power; you can’t shake and stay that long shaking thing.

You shake and move on, leave it for other people with different qualities in the game to carry over.

This brings questions to captains of industries that have been at the helm of companies for more than 10 years. Ridiculous!

The concept of business growth phases is being missed here, no wonder you will discover some companies have been growing for more than 10 years without reaching maturity stage due to lack of change in the drivers of those respective companies.

Each stage of growth in business needs different passion and focus and we can’t claim captains of industry possess all skills to complete the growth trajectory that a firm assumes during its life stages.

Tuku has had one quality that is lacking in most businesses, that is, perseverance — sticking it up there until everything else falls into place. The kind of patience he has exhibited throughout his career is what is needed now as industry gradually grows.

As industry is capacitating, at times, instant glory is not the way to grow. There is need for steady, gradual growth based on a good solid foundation that will stand all the challenges along the way.

Imagine if Tuku had given up on the 49th album, three albums (52nd album made Tuku) before he was about to become big, then Tuku the icon, will not have been.

How many businesses have shut down at the slightest hint of stress? Do you know how many court battles Econet Wireless (inspired to change your world, from a world in your pocket) has fought?

I have lost count both local and abroad but still stuck it up.

Econet has had so many hurdles in their quest for dominance that if they had not persevered they would not be here today.

Now you talk of Econet as if they have had it easy.

How long has Old Mutual been in existence? How crazy was Albert Einstein to the world?

How dull were some of the American Presidents?

How many years was Mandela incarcerated for?

Some of Zimbabwe’s leaders were at one time the most wanted “terrorists”.

Had they given up we will still be in bondage up to today.

Even other successful companies, just like Tuku, have their shortcomings when we look at other angles of their business.

So, at times, we can choose to look at the glass as half full when it’s half empty.

From an investors’ point of view, at times it’s advisable to invest in investment vehicles that will give you income over the immediate term, short term, medium and long term. This gives a good portfolio mix to be able to meet your investment financial needs as they arise. Such a balanced portfolio is encouraged for sustainability in terms of income generation in your respective enterprise.

So, Tuku stock could have been one of your options then and now you could be laughing all the way to the bank and I hope not the nearest car sales floor.

Challenges will come, it’s the way business reacts to these stimuli that will make the difference.

Some people call it occupational hazards. It really comes with the territory regardless of the industry.

Why do farmers think over night they can be farmers? It takes a while to perfect the art, so farmers hang in there and gradually be evolving to meet the new challenges that are coming with globalisation.

That way we build brands that will exist even when the original owners are gone.

In Zimbabwe the name superstar is now only reserved for Tuku the man who to me is the most unsuccessful artiste of all times. It’s my opinion and I have justified it so will stick by it.