Let’s love and protect ourselves

Stephen Mpofu

YES, to further consolidate our sovereignty as an independent State and also promote our freedom and self-determination, Zimbabwe’s print and electronic communications media might seriously wish to team up as revolutionary media brigade operating in a military brigade style to help our one Zimbabwe, one nation along a pothole-less path politically, economically and socially into a brave new future for all citizens.

That way, our people guided by the media brigade suggested above can hope to blitzkrieg imperialist and/or neo-colonialist machinations which now and then nicodemously rear their ugly heads as manifest, for instance, in some businesses treacherously inflating the prices of their goods and/or channelling those products to the black market for sale in foreign currency.

Both those actions are clearly intended to infuriate the general public to turn against the Government for allegedly not protecting the interests of ordinary citizens and in that way vote against the ruling Zanu-PF in the harmonised elections scheduled for August 23 this year.

That black market vendors fled at  the sight of Minister of Finance Professor Mthuli Ncube, during his recent unannounced tour of businesses in the CBD, is no doubt proof of their knowledge that disposing of goods in foreign currency rather than in the local currency, as directed by those who hired them was illegal.

Most, if not all, independent African States introduced and continue to use their local currency In all domestic business operations, regardless of how the rates fluctuate and so why should Zimbabwe not adhere to its RTGS/Zim dollar in all its business transactions?

Professor Mthuli Ncube

It is therefore no exaggeration by this communicologist to suggest that the thumbing of noses on our local currency by our own people is a self-hate act engineered by imperialists so that our people might continue to support the foreigners economically by doing business in those countries printed currency.
Consider also (yes, you) horrendous claims by some leaders of the Citizens Coalition for Change party (CCC) that their names were not on the voters roll when it actually turned out that the names are actually immortalised on the voters roll for the forthcoming elections and historically for generations to come.

What stands out here, as in other examples penned in this discourse above, is that the false claims in point are deliberately meant to decampaign the ruling party, vis-à-vis the forthcoming polls in the same way CCC leader attending a conference in Geneva, Switzerland recently de-campaigned President Emmerson Mnangagwa and with that Zanu-PF and the Government that he leads, as suggested by this pen quoting a report on the Voice of America radio station.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa

And also come to think of it, is it a far-fetched possibility that the rampant abuse of drugs and substances by this country’s youths and no doubt by some adults those also, that the supplies of those medicines and substances which diminish the brain’s reasoning powers is engineered by foreigners intent on turning the young and future generations of our beloved country into virtual zombies incapable of resisting foreign machinations in order that our country’s future generations might become virtual zombies and as leaders kowtow to imperialist machinations in the process turning this country into a client state as a banana Republic.

Now, it might be considered proper to round up the young people high on drugs when they breach the country’s laws.

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC)

But it should be considered that those affected are not responsible for any crime committed when their mental faculties are disarrayed.

In that case therefore is it not more prudent to set up more mental health rehabilitation centres to restore the affected’s responsible reasoning powers?

Members of the media brigade as proposed above can with their exposés lay bare all the imperialist machinations mentioned above and unearth others to share the devil or devils hiding behind the dehumanising activities noted above so that Zimbabweans may become united in protecting their independence and freedom ad infinitum.

The ball therefore rests in us all today and in future generations to ensure that those gallant sons and daughters of the soil who laid down their precious lives in the armed revolution for the independence and freedom from colonial rule and oppression we enjoy today did not die in vain.

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