LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Let’s work together to rebuild our economy Recently some Zimbabweans panicked and bought goods to hoard fearing that the commodities would run out of stock

Editor — I am so troubled with the way most Zimbabweans think and act.

Zimbabweans have become very selfish, you see one person hoarding groceries from supermarkets so that they can resell it to other people at very unreasonable prices on the black market.

I believe that if people keep on doing that we will not go anywhere as a country. We are the ones killing our own economy yet people still blame the Government.

In the past few months cash was not circulating yet people had stashes of cash in their houses.

How do these people expect the economy to stabilise when they are selfish like this?

I want to urge all Zimbabweans to be responsible citizens and do what is right so that everyone benefits.

Let us stop hoarding goods that we do not need, let us just buy what is enough for us so that everyone gets a chance to buy.
Ropa Makataza, Via email

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