Man jailed 5 years for attempting to kill crime committee member file pic

Thupeyo Muleya Beitbridge Bureau

A 26-YEAR-OLD man from the Ndambe area in Beitbridge has been slapped with a five-year jail term for attempting to kill a member of the local crime-fighting committee.

Recomend Ndou was arrested for stabbing Mbonisi Ndou using a sharp object last year.

He denied a charge of attempted murder when the trial opened before Beitbridge regional magistrate Ms Charity Maphosa on Friday.

However, he was convicted on the strength of the State’s evidence.

Ndou was left with two and half years effective in jail after Ms Maphosa conditionally suspended two and half years on his five-year term.

Appearing for the State, Mr Willbrought Muleya said on December 26 last year, the complainant who a member of the local youth committee is fighting crime left Ndambe business centre at around 430 AM.

Along the way, Recomend intercepted him while carrying a sharp object and a whip.

He told the Mbonisi he wanted to kill him for his role in the youth committee.

After which he stabbed the Mbonisi in the head resulting in a scuffle and he stabbed him again behind the ear.

Mbonisi tried to run away but Recomend chased after him and assaulted him with a whip.

As a result, the complainant incurred two deep wounds on the head.

The matter was later reported to the police who swiftly arrested Recomend.

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