NGZ in Bulawayo takes art to the community

Mbulelo Mpofu, Showbiz Reporter
THE National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) in Bulawayo in partnership with Mehlo Arts took life drawing lessons to grassroots level on Thursday, teaching youths in Lobengula on the basics of sketch art.
The establishment has made it a point to reach out to communities in a bit to carry out its vision of being the first choice centre for the full story of visual arts of Zimbabwe for socio-economic development by 2030.

Students take art classes at Lobengula Youth Centre
Facilitated by Russian artist residing in Zimbabwe, Ulliana Mozgaleva-nondo, visual artists from the area were taught how to come up with a sketch of a human portrait.
Pencil in hand and paper on the board was the order of the day at Lobengula Youth Centre were visual art students attended their fourth lesson in a programme which commenced last week on Tuesday and will be held twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the entire month of February.

Russian artist Ulliana Mozgaleva-nondo inspecting art
Mozgaleva-nondo said art is a cerebral exercise.
“Sketch art requires one to understand certain concepts and a lot of practice. It’s a cerebral process where the mind has to grasp colours and measurement of the canvas. For one to fully grasp art, they have to sketch their drawings fifty times a day.
“This will help their minds to register colours, sizes, distances between objects and also fluency, ” said Mozgaleva-nondo.

Ulliana Mozgaleva-nondo posing for a group photo with her arts class
The students welcomed the initiative, citing improvement in their art.
Mellisa Mthimkhulu said attending the classes has been an eye-opener for her.
“This is my fourth class and I remember the first time I came here, I was totally blank but now, my drawing has improved, “ she said.
Tichaona Mudhobhi said he learnt a lot from Mozgaleva-nondo.
“I have been coming to Lobengula Youth Centre since I was young under the tutelage of Mehlo Arts’ Mduduzi Moyo. He taught me a lot but I’m glad to have met Ulliana who taught me about the technical side of art where one measures their canvas and uses the mind for effective imagination. She honed our perspective, ” said Mudhobhi.

Tichaona Mudhobhi’s art
Till March, the gallery will be embarking on a renovation exercise which will see refurbishments done to its ceiling, doors and floors to keep it in mint shape. – @MbuleloMpofu