The Chronicle

Perspective: Kudos to Mat’land war veterans

Stephen Mpofu
When by their suspicious conduct at a critical time in the history of the revolution some war veterans elsewhere in Zimbabwe appear to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds, their colleagues in Matabeleland have remained stoic enough to tell the woods from the trees for this nation’s better destiny, and to the delight of unwavering lovers of the motherland.

Thus, this pen humbly and earnestly says great kudos to the ex-combatants who have with unflinching intrepidity openly and unreservedly pledged their total support for President Mugabe as both their patron and Head of State and their sole candidate in the general election two years hence.
When a people’s freedom and independence along with its very lives are under great threat by external forces, as is the case in Zimbabwe today, you (yes, you) will be rest assured and have blissful sleep if stewards of the revolution out there boast a commitment that is rock-solid.

Regrettably in Zimbabwe today, however, there are vociferous ex-combatants but  with a commitment to the revolution which is decidedly porous, like a border that mischief-makers cross nicodemously to wreak havoc and go scot free.

It is therefore no exaggeration for this pen to claim that war veterans who have been denigrating President Mugabe and calling on him to resign are political windmills that are blown hither and thither even by a storm in a tea cup.

They are made not of sterner but of fickle stuff and are therefore wont to be used at will by the enemy to destroy this country’s independence and sovereignty so that when these critical values in the lives of a people have been destroyed Zimbabweans will be left with no other  volition except to kowtow to imperialists machinations with the enemy ensconced on a stool and milking our country of its rich economic resources, as the herdboy milks his docile cows.

The picture painted by this pen immediately above is what today’s Zimbabwe is likely to become in the morrow should our people forget the journey that we travelled to be where we are today, with the remains of gallant sons and daughters of the soil still interred in unmarked graves in foreign bushes where those selfless fighters for freedom for all ran the gauntlet of mosquitoes and snakes and enemy bullets when executing the freedom struggle.

Needless to say, all of the governments of liberation movements in Southern Africa are each encircled with red for the kill.

As such there should be no illusion in anyone’s mind, especially in the minds of freedom fighters for whom the wrath of the enemy they fought in the bush, should remain engraved in their minds so as not to be bought over with measly, dirty money or with promises of being put in power themselves by the enemy should our government be forced out of power, as recent violent demonstrations to shut down the country were undoubtedly intended to achieve.

Liberation movements in Sadc have made unimpeachable observations to the effect that their governments remain anathema to the racists and oppressive white rulers they fought and to their kith and kin in foreign lands who supported them and their inhuman treatment of blacks to the hilt during the colonial era.

This state of affairs suggests, in this pen’s view, unremitting solidarity between and among all liberation governments and war veterans to completely shut out the enemy from this region and in that way protect our hard won independence.

This is necessary because should one liberation movement government be toppled from power, all other governments of the people by the people for the people are likely to follow the same demise one after another.

In Zimbabwe after the illegal economic sanctions failed to exact their intended regime change, the enemy decided to localise, where possible, that satanic agenda.

Therefore those Zimbabweans thirsting after the blood of Zanu-PF and its leaders, chief among them our President, are in reality agents deployed by the enemy at large to reverse the clock of freedom and independence and with that to kill the revolution which is an alias of Zimbabwe.

This pen does not believe that only war veterans in Matabeleland North see the danger inherent in Zimbabweans allowing themselves to be isolated from their party and government by an enemy who appears to have vowed never to rest until President Mugabe and this Government are shoved in the political shade.

This pen challenges war vets in other provinces to come and be counted with the true revolutionaries or walk in the shadows of their foreign masters with their futures and the futures of their children and children’s children in virtual limbo.

Time is running out for the truly patriotic Zimbabweans to close rank and damn the enemy without and its local demons.

This is because, as the altruism goes: united (as a nation) we stand, divided we fall.

Those with ears not stuffed with neo-colonial garbage should hear the message encoded in the discourse above and run with it.