Prayer points for your business

As a Christian it is not possible to run a successful enterprise without prayer. God is our provider and He wants to be involved in every area of our lives. If you involve God in your business He will anoint you to prosper. Pray before opening your business, before closing and even during business hours. Be a prophet of your own business. You have to involve God at all times. Let God direct and guide you as to who to do business with and where. If you have not been praying for your business to prosper you need to repent, go before God and ask for forgiveness.

Bible- Image taken from Shutterstock
Matthew 6:9-11
In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. (NKJV)
It is a biblical principle to pray daily for provision for yourselves and for your business. Daily bread speaks about daily provision for you and your ventures. The Bible tells us to demand this daily blessing, the Word says we should say, “Give us this day our daily bread.” God prepares a package, a parcel, a gift that is wrapped and we are to claim it daily when we go before God in prayer. We are to go before God every morning, not later on in the day when we see that things are not going according to our desires or plans.
The Word tells us that the mercies of God are new every morning. Every day when you wake up you have new mercies, favour and grace in store for you and this is definitely a requirement for every business. From the day you accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour God has prepared new mercies for you, a daily gift is prepared for each and every one of us. Many have their daily packages shelved in heaven because they do not claim them. People also have negative experiences daily because of not praying for new mercies.
As I was praying I saw cartons and parcels that were wrapped and placed in the store house of heaven. I asked God what these parcels were for and why they were still wrapped and He told me that these are new mercies, daily parcels wrapped and prepared for His children. They were gifts that they were supposed to receive every day of their lives from the day they accepted Jesus as Lord.
God Bless… – [email protected]