President leads Zimbabwe into New Year with a call to action President Mnangagwa addresses worshippers during the National Thanksgiving and Dedication Service at the Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre in Bulawayo on Sunday

Blessings Chidakwa, Harare Bureau

ALL Zimbabweans should focus their energy towards driving the national vision, goals and aspirations in the New Year that begins today, President Mnangagwa has said.

The President has always remained committed to creating an enabling environment for all hard-working Zimbabweans to continue excelling in their different fields.
In his address at the National Thanksgiving and Dedication Service in Bulawayo on December 29, President Mnangagwa said every Zimbabwean should play a part in building the nation.

“In the year ahead (this year), unflinching focus on our national vision, goals and aspirations, coupled with hard honest work; production and productivity; should see us live up to the instruction given to us in Genesis Chapter 1 verse 28,” he said.

“It is our responsibility and duty to be fruitful and to subdue the earth. We remain anchored on our national philosophy, ‘Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa, inonamatirwa nevene vayo/ Ilizwe, lakhiwa, libuswe likhulekelwe ngabanikazi balo.”

President Mnangagwa said through the theme of this year’s National Thanksgiving and Dedication Service, the Church in Zimbabwe is rallying the nation to progressive, Godly and Biblical patriotism.

“Indeed, the land, Zimbabwe, which the Lord has given us, is an exceedingly good land. We are thankful to the Almighty God.

“Further, development initiatives and programmes for the upliftment and prosperity of our people, have become the solid foundation upon which we are building our country brick by brick and stone upon stone,” he said.

The President said the people of Zimbabwe are their own liberators and using their indigenous resources, skills and talents, they will uplift the nation while others are welcome to assist them.

“In the agriculture sector, as a Government and a people, we are not folding our arms and surrendering to the vagaries of climate change. Numerous dams are being built and boreholes sunk to mitigate the impact of climate change.

“In relation to the current uneven rainfall patterns, Let us ask for rain from the Lord, for it is the Almighty God who makes storm clouds and gives showers of rain to everyone (Zachariah Chapter 10 verse 1),” he said.

President Mnangagwa said the nation also thanks the Almighty God for the rapid modernisation and expansion of the infrastructure and increased inflows of economic investments, diaspora remittances, which are having transformational impacts on economic growth.

In his address to the last Cabinet meeting of 2024, President Mnangagwa said Zimbabwe had achieved many milestones in various areas such as infrastructure development, stabilising the local currency and developing the mining, agricultural and manufacturing sectors.

It is expected that more achievements would be recorded this year as the country moves towards attaining Vision 2030 of an empowered upper middle income society.

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