The Chronicle

Productivity key to women’s success

and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)
This scripture is foundational to understanding the root of the problems of women and girls. Clearly the devil knows that the woman is his enemy because God said it and the devil believes and trembles.
He also knows that she becomes particularly dangerous when she produces seed because it is vested with power to crush his head.
Apart from just attacking the woman as his enemy, the devil fights productivity in the woman as shown in Revelation 12 where we see a glorious woman in productive mode, carrying a child about to be born.
The devil appears in his true colours, not black or white but red, displaying his powers and positions himself in front of the woman. His purpose is very clear: ” . . . to devour her child as soon as it was born.”
The strategy of the devil is to prevent and discourage any form of productivity in the woman and also to devour the seed whenever it appears. The methods vary from primitive to sophisticated.
In some instances the woman is attacked by plain barrenness of spirit, soul and body and she cannot produce anything – babies, ideas or even prayers. In more sophisticated situations, the woman is duped to give up her ability to produce by beliefs and promises of a wonderland where she does not need to work at all.
The truth remains that it is the seed of the woman that will bruise the head of the enemy. Without this seed, the woman or girl is to the devil as a bulldog without teeth. The devil will make every effort to minimise the potential of the woman, so that her seed may never see the light of day.
Armed with this revelation, the Precious Stone Women and Girls Ministry makes productivity in the woman and girl a priority. The seed is the key to victory in the many arenas that the devil fights the woman and the girl.
Seed of the woman
Seed is produced when the woman or girl engages her God-given ability to produce what can be used to defeat the devil.
Considering the way a woman was created seed can come from spirit, soul or body.
Seed from the body can be:
1. Children that are brought into the world and groomed to defeat the devil.
2. Wealth made from work of hands to defeat poverty.
3. Words that can build and edify.
4. Worship that can be a powerful weapon against the devil.
Seed from the soul can be:
1. Ideas that can be used against the devil.
2. Wisdom.
Seed from the spirit can be:
1. Prayers that can be used to defeat the devil.
2. Love for God and family.
3. Wo of God which is the sword of the spirit.
Let me encourage every woman and girl to produce without apology, it is your God-given ability.