Proud people have very small hearts Bible- Image taken from Shutterstock

IF God was to show you their hearts you would feel pity for them. They are small and insignificant inside. Loud people: These are people who always strive to dominate a conversation. These people are stubborn and angry and they are also intimidators that love to fight. They have an argumentative spirit and are also possessive and extremely domineering people. They always want to lead and never submit to authority.

Bullies: They are fighters or trouble makers, who want to bully other people. Bullies want to bully you first before you bully them. It is a protective mechanism. They fight you before you fight them. They were hurt and abused when they were young. They grew up in argumentative families where cruel words were being used. When they failed at school they would be told that they were stupid zombies. On the outside these individuals look strong. They square their shoulders as they walk but they are feeble and frail inside. If something negative is said about them, just one negative word, they will not sleep for three days.

Whenever I see a child in church who demands attention and is always domineering others, I see a child with a very small heart that was hurt in the past. You have to love those people because they never experienced love in their lives. There was no love in their families so when they are at school they bully and punish other children. This makes them feel good because this is how they were treated.


If I see a person who is a bully I put them under my arm to protect and love them. You have to hug those people, appreciate and embrace them; they are crying for attention. Autocratic dictators are abused people. These are weak people who grew up in harsh environments and suffered abuse and fear. If you see five robbers, the kind of person I mentioned above will be the biggest bully. If there are five armed robbers the one holding the biggest gun is the weakest. If you take him in for questioning he will release all the information you need.

God Bless..

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