Residents shun Bulawayo City Council development plan meeting
Nqobile Tshili [email protected]
ONLY a handful of Bulawayo residents have attended the consultative meeting on the preparation of the Suburbs, Khumalo, and Parklands Corridor Local Subject Plan.
Residents have in the past complained over being side-lined when the council is implementing development projects in the city.
However, the council has previously highlighted that residents do not participate in consultation meetings resulting in new policies being adopted without their input.
Today’s consultation meeting can attest to residents being left out due to their failure to attend meetings.
The meeting is expected to discuss future developments of the Suburbs, Khumalo, and Parklands area.
Issues to do with service delivery dominate issues about the development plan.
The study area is described to be one of the city’s accident zones.
Squatters are also said to be invading the area while mugging is also a concern.
The Suburbs area is said to be an extension of the city’s business centre as some companies are now occupying housing in the area.
At least 8 000 residents are said to be living in the area.