Sechaba havoc at Lundi memorial

Gospel singer Sechaba Padi had to be calmed down after delivering a heart breaking speech at Lundi Tyamara’s memorial at Grace Bible Church in Soweto on Tuesday.
He said the music industry did not love its artists because they were only celebrated once they are dead.
Sechaba accused record companies of exploiting them, leaving them with nothing to feed their families.
An angry Sechaba asked who was taking care of the widows and children of dead gospel singers such as Sfiso Ncwane, Oleseng Shuping, Vuyo Mokoena among others. Immediately after he left the stage the crowd and some of the well- known artists were chanting his name in agreement to his grievances.
He had just finished singing Ke Matla a song he collaborated with the late gospel singer Lundi.
Speaker after speaker at the service agreed. Lundi was a happy soul who loved everybody.
In honour of the 38-year-old Mphefumulo Wami hitmaker, close friends and fellow musicians at the memorial service sang some of the songs which made him a star.
Among the mourners were gospel artist Rebecca Malope, Pastor Benjamin Dube and Deborah Fraser.
Thina Zungu and the Jeziel brothers performed, while Sizwe Zako played the piano for Rebecca Malope, who sang a heartwarming hymn.
Speaking from the podium, Lundi’s former manager, Tshepo Nzimande, said Zako and Rebecca carried Lundi in the music industry.
“Lundi touched many souls. He changed our lives. When I first heard him sing Mphefumulo Wami I knew the album would sell.”
Lundi died on Friday morning at Edenvale Hospital after a long battle with stomach TB and a liver condition.
Sandile Simama, Lundi’s friend, said Mzansi was mourning a music legend who was destroyed by the media.
Deborah told the packed hall that before she heard about Lundi’s death, she dreamt about him giving her flowers. “When I heard the phone ring in the morning, I knew what they were going to say.
“We have secrets that we shared with Lundi. He was a flower of South Africa.”—Daily Sun.