Second Republic completes 8 000 projects Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere (left), Manicaland Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Advocate Misheck Mugadza (right) and other officials tour Mega Market in Mutare yesterday. —Picture by: Joseph Manditswara

Farirai Machivenyika, Harare Bureau

GOVERNMENT has completed over 8 000 projects countrywide since the advent of the Second Republic under President Mnangagwa in 2017, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere said yesterday.

Speaking during a media tour of some of the projects in Manicaland Province, Dr Muswere said so much had been achieved in a short space of time.

He was accompanied by Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister, Advocate Misheck Mugadza.

Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Manicaland Advocate Misheck Mugadza

Projects toured include the far-reaching new National Pharmaceutical Company warehouse, the solar project at Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital, Mega Market, the new Registry Office and the site where two silos are being constructed.

“A total of 8 000 projects have been successfully completed from 2017, when His Excellency the President assumed office. You will all agree with me that so much has been achieved in a short space of time. We have had, for the year 2024, 346 projects that were completed,” he said.

Dr Muswere said the thematic committee on National Development was also in the process of identifying some of the projects that were completed last year.

“Some of the projects also include, during the period when we had Cyclone Idai, when initiatives were put in place in order to reconstruct the infrastructure, especially the roads and the bridges, and the bulk of that work was done by the Government of Zimbabwe under the leadership of President Mnangagwa,” he said.

Dr Muswere said some of the projects being implemented were a sign of the Government’s commitment to devolution.

“We are also travelling to the Passport Office, which also speaks to the devolution and decentralisation of services in our country. We know that decentralisation and devolution are part of the revolution that the Second Republic has put in motion and ensured that it becomes a success story,” he said.

Dr Muswere said through decentralisation, Manicaland had hosted Independence Day celebrations in Murambinda, Buhera.

Adv Mugadza said the opening of the Natpharm warehouse had addressed logistical challenges in the storage of medicines.

“We are now able to safely store drugs and ensure their availability at our hospitals and clinics. We are also now in a position to store drugs coming through Beira,” he said.

Manicaland Provincial Registrar, Ms Joyce Munamati, said their new offices would be completed in the first quarter of this year.

“The construction of the building is expected to be complete by the end of the first quarter. The construction of the new offices is being done in line with the devolution policy and President Mnangagwa’s philosophy of leaving no one and no place behind,” she said.

Currently, the Registry is operating from wooden cabins, with some Mutare residents travelling to Marondera or Chipinge to obtain identity documents.

Allied Timbers chief operations officer, Mr Ian Zimunya, said their operations had benefited from equipment procured from Belarus.

“We are now operating at between 80 and 85 percent through equipment procured from Belarus,” he said.

At GMB, Engineer Willard Chirunga said they expect to complete the first silo before the end of the year.

“We hope to complete the foundation works by April and install the prefabricated materials by October,” he said.



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