The Chronicle

Sincerity builds relationships

another before we die.

This indeed was a very good article that spoke to my life and also inspired me to write about sincerity.
As we celebrate each other we should thrive to be sincere.

This means that the underlying motive for our actions and words should come from a heart and not driven by self gain.
Sincerity is a virtue. What we say has to be sincere in order to build others as well as relationships.

If we are sincere we can tell each other the good and the bad with honesty in a way that makes the other person a better person.
What is sincerity if we may ask? Sincerity is genuineness, honesty, naturalness and earnestness that which we call in Shona “kurevesa” (to say what you mean). The opposite of sincerity is falsehood, dishonesty, deceit and lies.

I believe that one should be sincere to herself/himself first that way one can be honest with others.
How honest or sincere are you in the way we do things? I have seen people who due to self interest thrive on flattery. These people know how to get around by flattering others in order to get what they want. Such people are not worried by the consequences this has on others their concern is personal benefit.

Have you ever met people who commend someone for a nice hairstyle, an outfit or something and in the same breath, once back is turned, they ridicule the same thing.
People praise and curse with the same mouth as the Bible says, meaning that there is no sincerity at all.
I am not sure whether it is a culture thing that keeps us from giving someone honest opinion.

Even if we see that there is something odd about say a dress or behaviour the tendency is to cover up and “compliment” instead of giving honest feedback. As a result we end up with individuals who could be better persons than what they are.
Could it be that we are a nice people that we do not what to make the other person feel bad.

Could it be that our culture sees criticism as vilification? In my opinion honest feedback helps to improve not only the individual but society in general.
So many times we write in letters “Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully” but do we mean what we say.

Do we even stop to think what these phrases mean or we just consider them as the normal way of ending letters that we were taught in school.
We can even falsify information and still have the audacity to end the letter with “sincerely and faithfully.” This saves to show that these are words that we use without giving them much thought.

Could deceit or dishonesty be a creation of today’s world?
We live in a world where there are too many artificial things that we interact with on a daily basis.

We have plenty of artificial flowers, flavours in our foods, we have artificial beauty products such as hair and nails the list is endless.
In such a world therefore it is not surprising that we get that kind artificiality permeating our relationships.

There is no real concern or love for brother or a sister. People are more concerned with “what’s in it for me.”
I believe that insincerity is more detrimental to a person once they discover that all that was said and done was not genuine.

One would feel cheated and abused in such a situation.
The world could end with hurting people or there are plenty of them already who are suffering from wounds inflicted by those close to them.

While sincerity builds relationships insincerity destroys the trust that forms the foundation of relationships.
To me I see the world as getting more thick skinned by the day.

People are no longer as considerate or sensitive to others. We live in an era where people are pursing self interests at the expense of others.
They do things that are seemingly right on the surface but the motive is wrong.

They can make huge donations to the needy or participate in all these humanitarian missions with a view to get acknowledgment from the world.
Even in our churches if we are not careful we can do most of what is expected of us but with hearts that are far away from God.

This happens when we seek personal gratification and glory. The other day I was burdened when I read scripture from the books of Isaiah and Amos chapters 1 and 5 respectively were God was groaning because of insincerity in worship.

He was expressing dismay at festivals and sacrifices that are done or offered from not well meaning hearts.
Think of the many times that you have said “my dear” to the next person or “I love you.” Did you really mean what you said or the phrases are just part and parcel of your vocabulary.

It appears some of these words do not carry the weight that they are supposed to carry?
The Bible in Romans 12 says “Love must be sincere.” Without sincerity love is not love it is a counterfeit. Therefore we should make every effort to be sincere in all what we do. I believe that with sincerity we lead

more fulfilling lives because we are freed from deceiving ourselves and others.
Make that difference today and be sincere in all that you do.