Stabbed in the head for failing to give way Men use donkey-drawn carts to pick up smugglers crossing from South Africa at the dry section of Limpopo River in Tshikwalakwala on Saturday

Sheronrose Mugombi, Online Reporter

A 28-year-old man stabbed another after the latter refused to move his donkey drawn cart so that he can overtake.

The man, Mpho Moyo, appeared before the Beitbridge magistrate Court facing charges of attempted murder.

In a statement from the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe (NPAZ), said Moyo and the complaint Surprise Mlilo (20) were both travelling in the same direction using their carts, around 3AM on June 2.

“The complainant asked the accused person to make way so that he could overtake him. This did not go down well with the accused person who stopped his scotch cart in the middle of the road and confronted the complainant,” said the NPAZ.

The confrontation escalated into a physical assault where Moyo stabbed Mlilo in the head and his hands.

The matter was reported to the police leading to the accused person’s arrest.

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