The Chronicle

Stop borrowing hair!

WHO decided I needed to sew someone else’s hair onto mine so I could look beautiful?

I mean, whose decision was it that women needed to enhance their beauty with 100 percent human hair, Brazilian or Peruvian hair. Hair is probably a very sensitive issue for women out there and I know many of them would never trade their weaves for anything.

I won’t pretend like I never borrow other people’s hair, dead people even, I don’t know whose hair it is but I borrow it sometimes. I admit I borrow strangers’ hair once in a while but I’ve recently become a little embarrassed about it. It was after I’d undone my braids and went through hell trying to comb out the knots that had developed over about two months. My scalp had become so painful from all the pulling and combing, I just didn’t want anyone to touch my head.

So I decided I was just going to get it shampooed and leave it like that. But something came up. I was going to leave my hair natural because I thought it would just be my regular routine and no one would care until I had to travel and felt the need to do something with my hair. I asked a friend what they thought I should do and their response humbled me. She said, “What’s wrong with your hair right now? You’ve got beautiful hair, leave it like that. Besides, it’s hot these days, you don’t need the extra layers.” I went home feeling liberated that day. She made a valid point. Why did I need a weave to feel and look beautiful? I could even go bald and still look pretty! Well, maybe not bald, but I certainly didn’t need help from my Brazilian sisters to look good.

I think it’s high time women understood that you don’t need artificial means to look beautiful. Perfection and flawlessness is a façade created by entertainers as a sales gimmick. Trust me, no one was born looking that perfect. Even after all the hair and makeup, the images you’re sold are still photoshoped and edited. It’s really not a sustainable image to want to assume. It’s not easy on your pocket, your skin and your hair.

All you need to do is work with whatever you have and make the best out of it. I know you’ve drawn the “My hair is thin” or “I’ve developed a rescinded hairline” card already. Maybe you think your hair is difficult to maintain or you don’t like the combing in the morning. You’ve already come up with about 10 reasons why you need weaves and how much of an important aspect of your life they are. It’s an obsession you don’t need to continue harbouring.

You really can do without a weave and still look stunning. Here’s how. If you’re like me and your natural hair is neither long nor short, make sure it’s clean and healthily oiled at all times. Because you’ll need to be styling every other day, make sure you oil your hairline everyday to replace the oils that would have been washed away during your baths.

Oiling your hair is important because it prevents it from breaking. Once hair is dry, it becomes hard and brittle, causing breakage and split ends. I’m not a fan of curls — the whole “set” with rollers and get a “flip up” situation so that’s never an option for me but make sure you visit the salon for regular shampoos and oil treatment. If you’re the bald and beautiful woman and have short kinky hair, also make sure you keep it clean and oiled. A little colour could be an option for you. Just for a more exciting look. Because this is a simpler look, consider your make up and lipstick more carefully. Draw all the attention to a well finished face and wear elaborate jewellery.

The dreadlocked woman has even more exciting options to work with. Depending on how you feel about colour, you could get a gentle tint that complements your skin tone. There’re a million ways in which you can have your locks styled, just find yourself a good hairdresser — they’re out there. Keep your locks clean, bobble free and healthily moisturised and you’re good to go. But if you’re Amber Rose confident, just go bald! Maintaining your natural hair especially when it’s hot is useful in protecting your skin. Because it’s hot and weaves are not part of your anatomy, they may cause allergic skin reactions, itchiness or break-outs on your face and neck. You don’t want to offend your skin. It’s the most difficult organ to repair. It’ll take a few minutes to offend it and months to restore it! It could be a tough call for you to make but compromise once in a while, put away your weaves, embrace your natural beauty and live a little!

Feedback from “There’s just no chill on the streets”

Wow. Thanks for updating us. You’re really a fashion ambassador Yolie. — Jussy.

Yolly, I just love your articles. Keep on writing, I learn everyday from you. You really inspire me, an outstanding young lady in times like these. — 0783 204***.

Until next week, flaunt your pattern and style and don’t forget to drop me an SMS/WhatsApp on +263738 991355, drop me an email at or follow me on Twitter handle @YoliswaStarr.