Advent Hope Gospel group prepares to host first live show T Ngwenya

Mthabisi Tshuma, Showbiz Writer

ESIGODINI-based upcoming gospel outfit, Advent Hope Gospel is set to host its first live show in the gold-rich mining town next Friday.

The event will be held under the theme, “Sing him a new song, play skillfully and shout for joy”, inspired by Psalms 33 vs 3 teachings.

The gig to be supported by Bulawayo-based Collen Moyo and Firm Foundation, Filabusi’s Progress Mthunzi and Esigodini’s Mduduzi Ndlovu and Khayalabangcwele gospel group will be held at Heany Memorial Hall (Ncema Valley Club).

T Ngwenya and Advent Hope Gospel founder Thukani Ngwenya said the show is meant to serve as an introduction physically to their followers.

“We’ll be hosting our first gospel show where we’ll spell out our vision which is to be the provider of quality gospel music in the country and at an international level, aiming to transform people’s lives and draw them to salvation,” he said.

“As a group, we have two albums, Umoya Wami – the first one I did in 2021 when I was still a solo artiste and the second one – Sojabula released this year. When I recorded the second album, I had already formed the band which comprises six members (myself, Nozimanga Moyo, Dexter Ncube, Evidence Masuku, Cathrine Moyo and Khulisani Ndlovu),” said Ngwenya.

– @mthabisi_mthire


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