Response to “Team Tourism to clear IATA debt”. Can the Minister please explain how we reached this debt, yet money was being paid every day?

Why was the money not remitted immediately after being received? Where did the money collected go to? — Nelson Mhara.

I think we need a serious commitment to surrender the money where it is supposed to be surrendered and not use it hoping that we will pay later. This is costing us as a nation. Airlines are now demanding payment in forex. — Wilson Gee.

Response to “Govt indefinitely lifts imports ban”. Great step forward.

At one point I thought we were ready to protect our industry but I am now convinced that they are not yet worthy of protection because when the going gets tough they leave the people out in the cold.

That means they did not arise from a need to serve or they have been around for too long and have forgotten what it means to serve and still make a profit.

By opening up you allow creative entities to emerge and compete and make those unsuitable to serve irrelevant.

These are the bold moves we need and we must remain flexible to change direction when need be. Serve the people and explain the challenges and find resilient solutions. — Wilson .

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