Vice President Mohadi demands completion of houses for civil servants

Peter Matika, [email protected]
VICE-PRESIDENT Kembo Mohadi has expressed concern over delays in the completion of houses for civil servants in Lupane, the provincial capital of Matabeleland North, and gave the responsible authorities a six-month ultimatum to finish the project.
Accommodation shortage has been cited as one of the major causes for the delay of the relocation of Government officers to Lupane.
Most civil servants from Matabeleland North are still operating from the Mhlahlandlela Government Complex in Bulawayo, which cripples the efficiency of services while bleeding the fiscus in terms of costs.
The 19 housing units, which are among key infrastructural development projects in Lupane, are yet to be connected with water and electricity. In 2022, a local company, Saltaway Enterprises, was contracted by the Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities to do the civil works but work stopped due to funding challenges.
VP Mohadi, who was on a tour of projects in Lupane yesterday, said the Lupane housing project has taken far too long to complete.
He said he would engage the Treasury and relevant departments to ensure that the major capital projects in Lupane, which include the provincial hospital, Welshman Mabhena Government Complex and the housing units are completed.
VP Mohadi was particularly concerned about the slow pace in the implementation of civil servants’ accommodation units, saying it affected service delivery.

Vice-President Mohadi and other officials are taken on a familiarisation tour of Lupane Provincial
Hospital doctors’ residence by Minister of State for Matabeleland North Provincial Affairs and Devolution Cde Richard Moyo yesterday.
“I am aware that most Government departments in Matabeleland North are currently housed in Bulawayo due to inadequate accommodation. There is a compelling need to complete the Lupane civil servants housing project, which will be a milestone towards moving Government departments to the provincial capital in line with the devolution agenda,” he said.
“This is not just a courtesy call but a national call to ensure that our development agenda is attained. The snail’s pace that we are witnessing is worrisome and in terms of national development, the province is lagging behind yet it is the major beneficiary of key developmental projects. This project should be completed by year-end.”
VP Mohadi said economic reforms and the promotion of business-friendly policies under the Second Republic underscore the Government’s commitment to economic development and the creation of a favourable investment climate.
He said the Second Republic has implemented significant economic reforms aimed at creating a more conducive environment for both local and foreign investors.
“Government prioritises engagement between various key players in nation-building, especially those with the potential to contribute significantly to the transformation of key sectors,” said VP Mohadi.
He said the Government is pushing for investment in infrastructure, technology and human capital to enhance the competitiveness of businesses and attract both local and foreign investments.
The Vice-President urged the private sector, through mentorship programmes, to nurture and harness the ideas and skills of young professionals, entrepreneurs and innovators.
Matabeleland North Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Richard Moyo said the Lupane Local Board has availed additional land to the Ministry of National Housing for the construction of flats to accommodate more civil servants.
“To this cause, I would like to express our gratitude to the local board for such an effort as this will go a long way in alleviating accommodation problems for our civil servants. We hope that more resources will be available to complete these projects that have taken rather too long to complete,” he said.
Minister Moyo said logistics for the transfer of civil servants to the province are in place as there are adequate schools in the province to accommodate both primary and secondary school learners.
He challenged departments to accelerate the growth of the provincial gross domestic product (GDP) in line with President Mnangagwa’s philosophy of leaving no one and no place behind.
“The attainment of Vision 2030 requires everyone to work tirelessly and I implore heads of departments to effectively utilise devolution funds as they are one of the 14 pillars meant to drive the country forward,” said Minister Moyo.
“The utilisation of devolution funds should take into consideration community-driven expectations and national aspirations. Therefore, extensive and inclusive consultation should be carried out when coming up with projects to be implemented in every district.”
For years, Matabeleland North was regarded as one of the marginalised provinces in the country. However, when President Mnangagwa came into power, the province started registering development as evidenced by a number of transformative projects which include the Lake Gwayi-Shangani, US$1,5 billion Hwange Power Station units 7 and 8 expansion project and various mining and power generation projects among others.–@petematika