Wadiwa Wepamoyo YouTube Channel hacked; all content deleted Wadiwa Wepa Moyo cast

Bongani Ndlovu, Showbiz Correspondent

A Cyber attack has hit online sensational drama Wadiwa Wepamoyo, where their YouTube channel was hacked and all their content deleted.

The drama that touched the hearts of many Zimbabweans with its simple but relatable storyline was produced by College Central, which posted on Twitter the sad news.

College Central YouTube Channel has been hacked #YouTube #WadiwaWepaMoyo #CollegeCentral.

The hacker has taken over the account and renamed it Dave Ramsey Live.

According to some sites, accounts are taken over and renamed by the hackers to sell them quickly before they become worthless.

Last year a similar attack happened across YouTube.

The way they take over the account is fairly easy as according to Forebes.com, emails are sent to people to be targeted from the list of YouTuber influencers, luring them to a fake Google login page. This is used to harvest their Google account credentials which then give the attacker access to YouTube accounts.

To protect oneself is to have a twostep verification code, which is a process that involves two authentication methods performed one after the other to verify that someone or something requesting access is who or what they are declared to be.


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