The Chronicle

‘Why not drop a kilogram or two’

Yoliswa Dube

AS the years have gone by, certain things about me have changed. The view I have of the world has changed. What I think about certain things has evolved.
I put more thought into certain things and care less about other things. One of the things that has been at the back of my mind of late has been how women, and men too, are often complaining about their body image.

They get onto different diets or try out the gym but before long, call it quits because it’s too painful or too inconvenient. I’ve also seen women who’ve recently given birth. Their bodies have just gone through the most but they’re already fretting about getting rid of the baby fat. I admire these.

Gone are the days when women would gain a couple of kilogrammes because they’ve just had a baby and keep that weight until the next baby and the next. Have you seen how hot mothers come these days? It’s quite inspiring how some of these women have so much will power and discipline to stay on top of their game.

Even after they’ve had a baby or two or after they’ve become someone’s wife. It’s really commendable. I read somewhere that women often stop caring about their body image as soon as they get married. Because they’re off the market, they think it’s no longer important to stay fresh.

Do you think your husband enjoys seeing you with pantyhose on your head and a male circumcision T-shirt on all day?

Never get too comfortable and forget about maintaining your femininity; even when you’re at home all day, wear something nice — a little dress or a good top and a flattering pair of shorts.

I’m reminded of a song by the Four Brothers, “Rudo imoto rwunotokuchidzirwa vanaAmai…musati zvandaroorwa ini handichagezi. Chokwadi munosiiwa mumba umu makatemba…”

Literal or not, I think it’s just important to take good care of yourself — whatever the circumstances.

For some people, not being able to keep their weight in check or knowing how to dress their body types well is what stands in the way of their next perfect outfit.

Although there are ways around covering extra body fat, it’s so much easier and certainly healthier for your wardrobe to exercise regularly and eat healthy.
I’m not quite the weight loss expert, but I’ve started to make certain changes to my lifestyle to enable my wardrobe to strive in its fullness.

The gym thing is still a struggle for me but let’s look on the bright side. I hardly eat junk food or take fizzy drinks.

I’ve given up things like margarine, bread and sugar completely, but that’s just me. A friend and I have given ourselves a month to lose a kilogramme or two.

We will maybe try Banting or exercising a little more. We just need to get to stepping and make sure that in a month’s time — we would’ve made some progress making some lifestyle changes.

I no longer want to tone down so I can rock some butt high shorts with a blazer and a pair of killer heels, my in-laws would stroke! I just need to become and maintain a healthier weight. It’s good for all of us.

There are certain things about ourselves that we can’t change, but there are some that we can. Instead of having to change your wardrobe every six months because your eating habits are out of control, why not invest in your health and your wardrobe will take care of you.

I often see people whining and mopping about how they can’t get sizes in the clothes they want. Why not drop a kilogram or two and wear whatever you want? Nobody is saying you should become model thin, trim to a weight you’re comfortable in and maintain it.

It’s heartbreaking to see people hiding themselves in track pants and sweaters because they are too embarrassed about their bodies. It has killed their confidence and they don’t get out much because they feel they’ve nothing good to wear.

Why don’t you get up and do something?

Until next week, flaunt your pattern and style and don’t forget to catch up with me on Twitter handle @Yolisswa or drop me a WhatsApp message on +263715666227