ZEC calls for applications for observers

Nqobile Tshili, [email protected]
THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is inviting local and international observers interested in observing the August 23 harmonised elections to apply for accreditation in line with international polls transparency standards.
President Mnangagwa set the election roadmap after proclamation of the election date through a Government Gazette last Wednesday. He also set June 21 as the Nomination Court date.
ZEC last week opened the voters roll for inspection as part of the electoral management body’s commitment to hold a transparent election.
The commission has said President Mnangagwa’s proclamation of the election date officially marks the start of the election season.
In a statement yesterday, ZEC chief elections officer Mr Utloile Silaigwana said those who want to observe the country’s polls should register with the commission before August 18.
“Applications are hereby invited from all persons and organisations wishing to observe the electoral processes, the conduct of polling on polling day and the counting and collation of ballots. Applications shall be considered for accreditation from the following persons: individuals representing foreign countries or international organisations and foreign eminent persons who have applied to be accepted as observers; and individuals representing local organisations and eminent persons from within Zimbabwe who have applied to be accepted as observers,” he said.

ZEC CEO Utoile Silaigwana
Mr Silaigwana said individuals representing bodies that exercise functions similar to those of the Zec also qualify to observe the coming elections.
He said individuals representing foreign countries or international organisations and foreign eminent persons who have been invited by the Minister responsible for foreign affairs to observe an election also qualify to observe the polls.
Mr Silaigwana said individuals representing local organisations and eminent persons from within Zimbabwe who have been invited by the Minister responsible for Justice and Legal Affairs can also qualify to observe the elections.
He said individuals and organisations that wish to accredit as poll observers should address their applications to the chief elections officer.
“An application for accreditation made by an organisation or by the Minister must state the names and national identity numbers of the individuals whom the organisation or Minister wishes to have accredited. Applications must be received at ZEC Head Office no later than 18 August 2023,” said Mr Silaigwana.
He said local observers will part with US$10 to be accredited while observers from within Africa will pay US$100.
Mr Silaigwana said observers from foreign embassies in Zimbabwe will be charged US$300 while observers from any country outside Africa will part with US$400.
He said even media players have to be accredited to observe the electoral processes with local journalists expected to pay US$10 while foreign media will be charged US$100.
“Zimbabwean media practitioners accredited with the Zimbabwe Media Commission and working in Zimbabwe for foreign media houses pay US$100. Zimbabwean local media practitioners accredited with the Zimbabwe Media Commission pay US$10. Media practitioners from the continent of Africa pay $100,” he said.
Mr Silaigwana said ZEC’s observer accreditation committee will vet all the applications before making final recommendations on approved individuals and organisations.
He said all applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their applications.
President Mnangagwa writing in his weekly column in the Sunday News and Sunday Mail saidf electoral observers will be invited on time as part of Government’s commitment to a transparent election.
“At an appropriate time, Government will invite international observers to our elections, which must run transparently, strictly in terms of our laws and in fulfilment of guidelines set out by the Southern African Development Community (Sadc). The Government will ensure those invited to observe our elections get their invitations in ample time to make that exercise meaningful but compliant,” he said.
Bulawayo based political analyst Mr Methuseli Moyo said invitation of election observers is one of the tenets of modern politics within democracies.
He said the invitation of election observers speaks to ZEC’s commitment to holding a transparent election.
“Observers can endorse or discredit elections if they feel things have not been done according to the book. They also help to make recommendations on the conduct of future elections. I suppose ZEC has nothing to hide hence its inviting observers,” he said.
Mr Moyo said observers are not supposed to interfere with electoral processes.
“Observers are supposed to stick to their mandate of observing elections and should therefore avoid engaging in activities that may influence or disrupt elections. They are not supervisors of elections but. just observers,” he said. – @nqotshili