Zimsec releases 2024 A-level results
Sikhumbuzo Moyo, [email protected]
THE Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) has released the 2024 Advanced Level results, with a 94,58% pass rate for candidates who wrote two or more subjects. This figure closely mirrors the pass rate achieved in 2023.
Starting Monday next week, heads of examination centres can collect results for their respective schools/centres from the relevant Provincial Offices. Additionally, the Zimsec results portal was activated yesterday and will remain accessible until Tuesday next week, allowing candidates to access their results online.
Zimsec board chairperson, Professor Paul Mapfumo, stated that a total of 33 585 candidates sat for the November 2024 examinations compared to 34 437 in 2023, which translates to a decrease of 852 in candidature, yielding a percentage decrease of 2, 47.
“For those who wrote two or more subjects, 31 443 obtained Grade E or better in two or more subjects. This translates to a 94,58 percent pass rate. In November 2023, however, 34 060 candidates wrote two or more subjects and 32 221 obtained Grade E or better in two or more subjects, translating to a percentage pass rate of 94,60. The national pass rate for 2024 and that of 2023 is, therefore, the same,” said Mapfumo.
The total number of school candidates who sat for the examinations was 29 641, and of these, 28 900 candidates wrote two or more subjects, with 27 509 obtaining Grade E or better in two or more subjects, achieving a percentage pass rate of 95.18. In 2023, a total of 29 910 sat for the examinations, with 29 745 candidates writing two or more subjects. Of these, 28 313 obtained Grade E or better in two or more subjects, yielding a percentage pass rate of 95,19.
“The total number of private candidates who sat for the examinations was 4 544, while in 2023 the number was 4 527. We had 4 346 candidates writing two or more subjects, and 3 934 obtained Grade E or better in two or more subjects, achieving a percentage pass rate of 90,52. In comparison, 4 315 wrote two or more subjects, with 3 908 obtaining a Grade E or better in two or more subjects, which translated to a percentage pass rate of 90,57,” said Mapfumo.
In terms of gender, 17 306 female candidates sat for the examinations compared to 15 503 who sat in 2023. Of these, 16 457 passed two or more subjects, yielding a pass rate of 95,94 percent.
Mapfumo said in comparison, 14,193 candidates passed two or more subjects in November 2023, yielding a percentage pass rate of 92,32, translating to a percentage increase of 3,62.
“The total number of male candidates who sat for two or more subjects was 16 092, of which 14 986 passed two or more subjects, translating to a percentage pass rate of 93,13. Female candidates performed better than male candidates by 2,81 percent. The percentage pass rate for 2024 male candidates is 92,05, while in 2023 the pass rate was 93,95 percent,” said Mapfumo.
Mapfumo said 40 special needs candidates sat for the 2024 examinations, with 38 writing two or more subjects, and all of them passed with a Grade E or better, yielding a percentage pass rate of 95. In comparison, the total number of special needs candidates in 2023 was 34. The candidates were in four different categories, namely, those with low vision that required enlarged print, visual impairment requiring Braille, physical impairment, and hearing impairment requiring administrative accommodation.
Mapfumo expressed his board’s gratitude to those involved in the November 2024 examination processes.
“Special mention goes to the school administrators, teachers, markers, our parent ministry, state security agencies, and Zimsec staff for their hard work and dedication, which resulted in the successful running of these examinations. This was achieved by working with a common purpose. In our bid to uphold the integrity of our examinations, the security of our examinations continues to be of high priority in our operations. Zimsec hereby wishes all the candidates the best of luck in their future studies and endeavours,” said Mapfumo.