ZINWA disconnects Beitbridge over a ZWG2,7 million debt Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) corporate communications and marketing manager Mrs Marjorie Munyonga

Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau

THE Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) has again cut bulk raw water supplies to Beitbridge Municipality over an outstanding ZWG2,7 million outstanding debt.

This is the second time that the authority has cut supplies to the council in less than three months.

ZINWA spokesperson, Mrs Marjorie Munyonga, said due the local authority’s unsustainable payment pattern they have decided to cut water supplies.

“ZINWA is no longer in a position to meet the obligations associated with the consistent supply of raw water to Beitbridge, including electricity as well as repairs and maintenance hence the authority has taken a decision to disconnect water supplies to Beitbridge until such a time the municipality services its arrears,” she said.

“The authority hopes that the local authority ensures viable and consistent payments for uninterrupted service.
“ZINWA wishes to reiterate that there exists a strong relationship between paying for water and improved service delivery.”

Mrs Munyonga said ZINWA bills the municipality an average of ZWG 550 000 for their monthly bulk raw water requirements and the local authority has been making monthly payments averaging ZWG 140 000 resulting in their outstanding bills accumulating to ZWG 2, 711, 362. 80 million.

She said under the arrangement, ZINWA pumps raw water from the Limpopo River into off-river storage dams, which then supply the municipality’s water treatment plants.

In the process, she said, the water authority incurs electricity, as well as operations and maintenance costs to keep supplies to Beitbridge which costs should be covered by payments by the municipality.

The raw water from the Limpopo River is also supplemented by releases from Zhovhe Dam, which also have operations, repairs and maintenance costs.


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