Zinwa installs 20 000 prepaid water meters
Rejoyce Sibanda, Chronicle Reporter
THE Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) has installed more than 20 000 prepaid water meters for clients in small towns, growth points and rural service centres where it provides service.
Of the 20 346, 5 993 prepaid water meters were installed in Karoi, 1 827 in Nyanga, 1 513 in Filabusi, 972 in Gokwe, 2 013 in Chivhu, 1 171 in Murehwa, 2 527 in Mutoko, 1 360 in Mvurwi and 2 857 in Hwange at the end of last year.
The parastatal’s Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager, Mrs Marjorie Munyonga said the meters are being installed free of charge.
She said the rollout is targeting domestic clients, businesses, schools, churches, parastatals and other institutions.
“ZINWA intends to install 35 000 prepaid water meters by the end of the first phase of the roll-out and the Authority has already taken delivery of 3 000 more prepaid water meters which are still undergoing testing and calibrations,” said Mrs Munyonga.
She added that the rollout of the prepaid water meters follows the successful piloting of the concept in Mvurwi and Chivhu between 2019 and 2021 when the full-scale rollout commenced.
Mrs Munyonga said the introduction of prepaid water meters is one of the many innovations that ZINWA is implementing to bring convenience to clients and to afford them more pronounced control over their water consumption patterns. – @ReeSibanda