ZINWA restores Beitbridge bulk water supplies

Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau
THE Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) has restored bulk water supplies to Beitbridge town following engagements with the local authority and other concerned stakeholders.
On Monday the authority disconnected water supplies to the municipality over a $2,7 million debt triggering an acute water crisis and fears of an outbreak of waterborne diseases.
The battle to control water affairs has been raging on for a long time between ZINWA and the Municipality mainly over tariffs the authority charges the council on bulk water supplies.
Under the order, the authority supplies raw water to the council which then treats and supplies the consumers.
ZINWA spokesperson, Mrs Marjorie Munyonga confirmed the latest development on Friday.
“ZINWA wishes to advise stakeholders that it has restored water supplies to Beitbridge Municipality which were disconnected on August 5, 2024,” she said.
“The reconnection has been done as parties pursue a more sustainable working arrangement. ZINWA once again reiterates that there is a strong relationship between sustainable service delivery and payments for the service”.