Do not compete but compliment Bible

Competitive people do not compete with anyone. If you earn fifty dollars a month then live at that level. Do not live at a thousand dollar level when you are a Fifty dollars per month type of person.
If you only have vegetables to eat, pray over those vegetables, speak in tongues over them, and be appreciative because there is someone out there who cannot afford vegetables. Enjoy where you are on your way to where you are going. Do not compete with people in the church.

If you see someone giving more than you, wait patiently and continue to give as best you can. Do not give to be seen by people, instead give to attract the Lord’s attention. Endeavour to be stable in your spirit, emotions, your body and every area of your life. Constantly being in competition with others allows all sorts of negative emotions to flourish within you.

Open your heart for healing. Do not die with a small heart.

The best way to deal with people you deem as competitors is to pray for them. Pray earnestly for the Lord to bless them.

You use a feeling to cast out another feeling. You apply prayer and love for someone who is doing better than you.

Constantly congratulate and compliment people. Ask the person with a new car to allow you to wash it for them, just for a day in order, to be delivered from jealousy. Pray as you wash it, “Lord deliver me from jealousy and a spirit of competition in the name of Jesus.” After you do that, you will feel very good. That is how you deal with a negative feeling by engaging a positive feeling. You are showing God that you are ready for what is your own.

Bible- Image taken from Shutterstock

When you know who you are and someone does better than you in your department or field of business, tell yourself, “I am myself and no one can beat me in my own field because I do the best that I can.” There is no businessman who can take everyone in the country as his clients. People gravitate towards different business people because of various characters and personalities. Depending on the way you handle your business, you will always have clients.

God Bless…
[email protected]

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