Master in your domain

If you approach business with the mentality that it is difficult then it will be. If you say you can in your mind then you will. 

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (NKJV)

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (NKJV)

The word of God has spiritual application and physical. The word Kingdom is a compound word of the words king and domain king meaning ruler and domain is the sphere of influence so seek God the king and heaven is his sphere of influence. 

Seek your area of influence and gain mastery over it and then all the things you are running after will follow you. All masters in the world are specialists in something. Deal with one thing. You will not become rich if you touch everything. You have to gain mastery in something so locate your area of specialty. 

The difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich have realised their sphere of influence and the poor haven’t.

1. Self-confrontation.

Sit yourself down in a boardroom and ask yourself some questions. Ask yourself what you enjoy doing. Toiling is putting so much effort in doing something you don’t enjoy. Ask yourself what you have a passion to do. Passion is not taught at school. Discover what you can do without asking for money or payment, then that is the thing you are supposed to do. Passion is something that you enjoy doing. Ask yourself what makes you angry. Anger is misplaced passion. Ask yourself who inspires you. List down at least ten people who inspire you, you might notice a friend who inspires you. Ask yourself what scriptures you enjoy. 

2. Vision or mission formulation. 

After you understand your domain you need to have a vision, now a vision is simply a clear mental picture.

3. Think big but act from where you are. 

Never make a mistake of leaving your job or occupation to chase a dream/vision that is still on paper, in your diary or in your heart. Stability is of great essence.

God Bless! — [email protected]

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