LATEST: New dates proposed for ZITF

Sukulwenkosi Dube-Matutu, Online Reporter
THE Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) Company has proposed to hold this year’s ZITF in September.
This comes after Cabinet postponed the ZITF which was supposed to be held from July 20 to 23 following an upsurge in Covid-19 cases.
In a statement addressed to the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Dr Sekai Nzenza the ZITF company has proposed 21-24 September and 28 September- 1 October as the new dates.
ZITF Company board chairman, Mr Busisa Moyo said this will allow exhibitors and potential visitors to reschedule their preparations with ample time and also allow the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic to subside.
“We have been ceased with the matter of adjusting ZITF dates which were originally 20-23 July but now require review of the appropriateness of holding the event on these dates in light of the rise in Covid-19 cases. Our local as well as foreign exhibitors are gravely concerned about travelling and exhibiting given the current trajectory of the pandemic in Zimbabwe. Indeed, His Excellency Honourable E.D
Mnangagwa, The President made a special announcement yesterday and placed the country at Lockdown: Level 4. In light of the foregoing we therefore recommend the following alternative dates: 21-24 September 2021 and 28 September to 1 October 2021,” said Mr Moyo in the letter. – @DubeMatutu