Love and marriage is not for ‘little sisters’ Bible

Song of Solomon 8:6-7
“6 Set me as a seal upon your heart,  As a seal upon your arm;  For love  is as strong as death,  Jealousy  as cruel as the grave;  Its flames  are flames of fire,  most vehement flame.

7 Many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it.

If a man would give for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised.” NKJV

MANY girls are blindly entering relationships, without complete understanding of how powerful love is.

It is dangerous to enter into love affairs when you are not yet ready.

People are marrying and divorcing, because they are just getting involved in relationships because of peer pressure, mere convenience among other trivial reasons.

In developmental psychology, physical maturity is an age related concept and is said to occur where the level of physical development is commensurate with a given age level.

Every stage in the physical aspect has its appointed process.

A girl who has no breasts is not yet mature for marriage.

Below is an interesting article that caught my eye written by Bisi Adewale entitled MATURITY AND MARRIAGE in May 1, 2016.

Maturity defines a period of definite growth.

It is at this point animals can reproduce their kinds and plants become fruitful.

In human beings, it marks a time of deep positive emotional, moral and, of course spiritual development, which enhances a meaningful life.

The result of this development is evident in the quality of behaviour and character of the individual human being.

Where this kind of development is yet to fully take shape like, for instance, teenage time, marriages between such young people, suffer a great set back.

In fact, recent statistics have shown that a marriage between two teenagers has about sixty five percent possibility of breaking up within the first three years.

Hence, maturity before marriage should be carefully considered.

A wise girl knows that when she is not yet ready for marriage, she should refrain from getting into love relationships.

A bright girl, who desires a bright future, patiently waits upon the Lord until she becomes physically, spiritually and emotionally mature.

God Bless.

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