COMMENT: Chamisa’s utterances expose his true colours Mr Nelson Chamisa

THE more Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Mr Nelson Chamisa claims that his outfit is a new party, the more he reveals traits of his old self and party.

Days after their launch, the CCC was up to their old MDC-T/MDC-Alliance traits of imposing candidates resulting in double candidates in Mpopoma, Emganwini and Masvingo ahead of the March 26 by-elections.

While in Mpopoma and Masvingo, members were coerced to withdraw candidature, two candidates remain contesting under the same party in Emganwini.

At the weekend, Mr Chamisa threatened that if they do not win the elections, they would cause chaos in the country.

This recalls the “jecha” threats made by Mr Chamisa in the run-up to the 2018 elections should he not be declared winner.

“Hakudyiwi rinopisa muno . . . mukaita zvokutamba ndinodira jecha muupfu, hamuridyi sadza iroro (there won’t be peace in this country, I will spoil the party),” threatened Mr Chamisa.

True to his threat, on realising that he had lost the elections, Mr Chamisa’s supporters unleashed an orgy of violence in August 2018 which led to loss of life and property while some were injured.

Now as leader of CCC Mr Chamisa made the same threats on Sunday as he addressed his supporters in Harare.

This is ironic because at every given opportunity Mr Chamisa claims that his outfit is a new one with a new culture of doing things yet the reality is that the only new thing about them is the name, symbol and colour.

Outside those three, Mr Chamisa remains his old self, desperate to ascend to power at any cost including unleashing violence.

While the Second Republic led by President Mnangagwa has preached peace and unity, Mr Chamisa advocates for chaos.

A lot of people are still counting their losses after a number of opposition demos that destroyed infrastructure and robbed them of their livelihoods.

Mr Chamisa is reminded however, that Zimbabwe is a peace-loving country with all the necessary instruments to maintain law and order.

Addressing thousands of youths gathered at Robert Gabriel Square to commemorate the National Youth Day, President Mnangagwa said Government is ready to deal with such threats which he said were counterproductive coming from a person aspiring to lead the country.

“Ndakashaya kuti zvino nhai veduweee kana mai vacho vanoti ndakaberekei. Zvonzi naChamisa nezuro kana ndikasahwina maelections egore rinouya tinoita mheremhere, babangu Shumba!

Zvino wagona kutaura kuti uchaita mheremehere tagadzirira (I asked myself what even does his mother say about him. Chamisa said if I do not win next year’s elections, I will cause violence. Since you have said you will unleash violence, we are ready to deal with that).”

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