LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: City Council must tackle kombis, vendors menace

EDITOR — Bulawayo has for time immemorial been associated with cleanliness and orderliness and the council being one of the best run in the country.

All this is now history as the present situation in Bulawayo is deplorable. Now that we have new councillors in place we need to see the old Bulawayo we know coming back.

The Bulawayo where one would feel guilty or ashamed to throw litter anywhere. The council should now make a priority to put order along 6th Avenue where kombis have literally made this area their pick up point. It has become a nightmare for other motorists to drive along this avenue. Kombis park anywhere, make U-turns as they please.

During lunch time it is almost impossible to go through the intersection of 6th Avenue and Herbert Chitepo Street. One can take more than 10 minutes to drive through this intersection.

The pick-up point along 6thAvenue between Lobengula Street and Herbert Chitepo Street has been disregarded. Council must see to it that order and adherence to council by-laws are maintained.

We cannot have people becoming a law unto themselves. Those who are caught offside more than twice must have their permits withdrawn or have their vehicles impounded and made to pay hefty penalties.

Another area that is an eyesore is the issue of vendors. We all know that a lot of people are facing economic challenges due to the nation’s prevailing situation but this is not a licence to ignore vending areas set up by the council.

Foodstuffs are sold anywhere in the CBD under unhygienic conditions. It is God’s grace that there is no disease outbreak in Bulawayo. There are no toilets and tap water where most of these vendors sell their wares.

Alleys are now being used as toilets. Where do they wash their hands?

When the city becomes dirty with litter people blame the council not the real culprits — the vendors.

Councillors must be firm and tackle this menace before it gets out of hand. Diffuse the bomb before it explodes because when it does lives will be lost.

We want our Bulawayo back as we wait for the new brooms to sweep clean.

Looking forward to change.

OkaMatshanda, Bulawayo

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