New Year’s resolutions that you can do with happy-family-cuddling-looking-at-each-other-family-values

Thandeka Moyo-Ndlovu

It’s that time of the year again when, with excitement, we thoroughly think of what we will do differently in the next 12 months as we are all determined to get a refreshing experience that comes with the year 2023. Sticking to a resolution is far easier when it aligns with your priorities and here are the top 10 achievable goals set by Saturday Leisure which we think will help all of us lead a simple yet fulfilling 2023!

 1. Prioritise Rest

The past few months have been hectic, overwhelming and tough for many and the only way we can continue functioning properly is to be ambitious about rest. I mean this fast-paced world will give you a million reasons to work harder and keep chasing goals but unless you master the art of resting, you are bound to fail eventually. Take time to rest physically and this means cutting off time spent on entertainment et cetera, be deliberately offline and give your body a chance to regroup, reboot and function properly. Hard work pays and so does adequate rest, it helps us renew our batteries and perform better. This may also require you to take drastic measures like switching off your phone, cutting off some people who bring in a lot of negativity so that you give that body a well-deserved rest.

2. Worry Less

As the famous verse states, worrying has never yielded anything or helped anyone achieve a goal hence this year there is no reason to worry about things that are beyond you. The level of uncertainty could be high but worrying will make you less productive and put you at risk of stress and depression. Waking up alive is enough reason to keep you hopeful for a day and as long as you can meet a day’s needs, allow the Supernatural God to take care of the rest. It’s not like your worrying will bring forth riches or pay off that debt that is stealing your joy, take a deep breath, smile and cast your burdens to the all Knowing God. He created you for a purpose and will definitely sustain you emotionally, physically, financially and mentally throughout 2023.

 3. Live Within Your Means

This could be the most difficult task but believe me, cutting down on costs will make you a happier and more peaceful person. Forget the trends and pressure to belong, be cool and appear successful, just ensure that you afford the lifestyle you are leading. If you are under someone’s care, lessen the burden by living within their means and never ever set your standards based on what you cannot afford. To those of us who live off partners, do yourself a favour this year and get a life, surely you can offer us something more in life than relying on another human being especially if you are able-bodied. Don’t spend money that you haven’t worked for and avoid debt like leprosy if it’s not a life-and-death scenario. Decent meals, clothes and a roof over your head are all you need and if that’s all you can afford do yourself a favour and be content. No one will give you an award for wearing trendy clothes, driving cars or eating out like everyone, remember this is your life and it’s only you who can destroy or make it great.

4. Make Time for Family

Covid-19 wreaked havoc on many families and was a stark reminder that life is too short and we must do everything that will help us spend more time with family. Gone are the days of pretending we cannot continue playing happy families during funerals et cetera. Find time to call your cousins, to visit that aunt that you last saw years ago. This also requires you to let go of the squabbles and the grudges you could be holding against family inclusive of in-laws, life is too short and why waste it on such? This will require extra effort from your end but believe me it will be worth it. Physical visits may not be feasible for some but make use of social media to greet and bless anyone and everyone who is related to you. 

5. Exercise

This is not only for those who are overweight or trying to lose a few kilos. Studies show that the more we exercise the fewer chances of being stressed and susceptible to diseases. This doesn’t need anyone to spend any money, just remain active at home and in the workplace. Walking won’t kill so try and walk short distances at least thrice a week, it will surely make a difference. Those who spend most of their time at home, try to remain active, do gardening, scrub floors et cetera. It will help you remain fit. Planning to exercise usually doesn’t help anyone if deliberate decisions are not taken hence you should make it a point you exercise daily for a happier and healthier you.

6. Pay rates

We are very quick to condemn poor service delivery by local authorities and I can bet that it’s not everyone who pays their rates and bills religiously. Make it a point to be a faithful citizen and pay your rates on time so that your complaints are justified as some of us are the reason why councils are failing. This means you have to try and pay a little something towards your water or electricity bill no matter how small it appears because once it accumulates you may fail to pay anything for the rest of 2023. Do your part and be the change that you want to see in your home and country.

7. Pray and fast

It’s not a secret that we are spiritual beings and surely it would be unwise to imagine that we can make it throughout the year if we are not connected to God. Praying will help you offload burdens that are too heavy for your weary self and as you pray for others; family, friend’s colleagues you will be less judgemental and more empathetic. Take time to ask God to fight battles that you know you cannot win on your own and this will help open floodgates. Fasting is another important component of one’s spiritual growth. It doesn’t only help one lose weight but is essential for character building which we all need to be better individuals, spouses, parents, workers et cetera. Fasting will also help us overcome those darling sins that for years have contributed to the bad decisions that could be haunting you today.

8. Learn a new skill

The internet is not only a platform to keep us updated on what’s trending et cetera but it is a deep well of knowledge that can help us improve. Try listing skills that you would to hone or develop. I mean in the 21st century there shouldn’t be anyone claiming they cannot cook, clean, bake when there is the internet. Instead of wasting data on meaningless memes, reels and jokes, use social media platforms to learn a skill. There are hundreds of free courses that are also offered online and it won’t kill to do one or two as part of self-actualisation. To those who are qualified, don’t get comfortable, read and advance your skills, improve on what you know. I recommend reading books as well because they make us better people and open our minds to opportunities we will never find elsewhere.

9. Reward/ spoil yourself

I could write a whole book on this point as I have noted with concern that there are people  who deliberately choose to stress when other people fail to spoil them. For starters, it’s only you who knows what you want and there is no law that says you can buy yourself flowers, shoes, phones, chocolates or even a car. Normalise spoiling yourself this year and this may come in the form of solo dates, last time I checked the cheapest ice cream costs US$0,50 and there is no one who can fail to save for that. Why would one let a year come and go without taking themselves out when they can? We also have that gang that posts nasty status updates over not receiving birthday presents. You have 365 days to save for your birthday and before anyone gifts you, show us the way by buying yourself a present, trust me it’s a rewarding and therapeutic feeling. Spoiling yourself includes buying new lingerie, socks, a toothbrush, bath towel. I mean no angel will come down and buy those things. It’s also selfish and foolish for anyone to expect partners to be buying such for them all the time. Spoiling yourself doesn’t have to be expensive; it also includes buying a chocolate sweet after meeting deadlines or overcoming an obstacle. It will keep you happy. Another tip for my fellow employees who get a salary monthly is to ensure that you buy one thing for yourself after you get paid. I am not talking about food or plates for the family but something personal to thank yourself for working hard, no one will reward the sacrifices you put in unless you do.

10. Travel and discover new places/ cultures

So we have people who live in Zimbabwe who have never been to Victoria Falls or any other place all their lives for reasons best known to themselves. I challenge you to at least visit a place you haven’t been to, it doesn’t have to be expensive, just save, pack that bag and go. You will never grow up seated in your mother’s house, you need to go out there and mingle who knows since our elders say ukuhamba kuzala induna. Normalise travelling and socialising with people outside your circles, line of work and religion, it will help you grow.

Happy 2023!

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