The Fight for the Blessing Bible- Image taken from Shutterstock

Revelation is required to acquire the blessing. I realised that Jewish people spend their time and effort looking for the blessing whereas in Africa many people toil and put all their effort into looking for money and material things. With Jewish people, the blessing is a matter of life and death; it is a serious matter. They are taught from a young age about how to attain the blessing. 

A Jewish man can go into a country with his bag of clothes and leave that country with a bag full of title deeds because the blessing guarantees success in life. This shows you the mystery within a blessing. 

One of the main reasons that causes them to fight for the blessing is that a blessing is incorruptible since it is spiritual. When you fight for material things you eventually lose them because material things depreciate (they lose value or erode) one way or the other over time. If you are a person who is looking for true prosperity, then you must search persistently for the blessing and fight for it in love because once you acquire it, material things will follow you. 

The Bible clearly tells us that the material things are as a result of the invisible, which is the blessing, the spiritual endowment. This alone makes a blessing something worth fighting for. In the Jewish culture someone can lose their life because of receiving the blessing. Remember how Esau wanted to kill Jacob because he had received the blessing; not a car, house or a mansion as inheritance, but the blessing. Imagine a man desiring to kill his own twin brother because of an intangible thing. 

Genesis 27:41: So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Esau said in his heart, “The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then I will kill my brother Jacob.”(NKJV)

Jacob did not receive land or livestock after he wrestled with the angel, he acquired the blessing. He fought all night until he was blessed. This almost cost Jacob his life. (Read Genesis 32:24-32). We need to fight to get the blessing, but it takes diligence and perseverance. I am a man who fights to get the blessing, so my spiritual children are blessed. 

God Bless…

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