Agric the pillar for economic growth: President President Mnangagwa

Blessings Chidakwa, Harare Bureau

Agriculture remains a key pillar for the country’s economic growth, while the nation continues to foster a culture of innovation, productivity and prosperity, President Mnangagwa has said.

Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector has been blooming over the last few years with the Second Republic transforming it from a US$2 billion industry to over US$8 billion in less than five years.

The country is now targeting a US$13,75 billion agriculture sector economy by 2025 after it surpassed the initial US$8,2 billion target as food security remains the foundation for sustainable economic growth with rising exports now moving into the centre of the growing farming boom.

Under the Second Republic last year, the country produced its largest ever tobacco crop, with 85 percent of it coming from smallholder farmers of whom 60 percent are beneficiaries of the highly viable land reform. These farmers are now producing more tobacco than the land they farm used to produce before redistribution.

Money – Image taken from Pixabay

Zimbabwe’s record wheat haul now stands at a staggering 465 000 tonnes ensuring for the first time that all flour and bread uses local grain and thus has an assured supply.

The harvest from the past winter wheat crop is 100 000 tonnes more than national demand, which presently stands at 360  000 tonnes.

Zimbabwe’s agricultural resurgence extends beyond traditional crops to include the flourishing horticulture sector, marked by the export of vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Zimbabwe is now earning $120 million annually from exports of horticultural products including citrus, flowers, tea, avocados, blueberries and macadamia nuts, according to the Horticultural Development Council.

President Mnangagwa posting on his X said the agriculture sector remains the backbone of the nation.

“Agriculture is our foundation, it fuels our nation’s growth. Let us continue to cultivate innovation, productivity and prosperity for our future #Vision 2030,” he said.

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