From oppression to freedom…The glorious and triumph of Zimbabwe The Flame of Independence

Stanford Chiwanga, Saturday Chronicle News Editor 

Once upon a time, there was a country called Zimbabwe, a land of great beauty and diversity. It was home to waterfalls, mountains, rivers, forests, and minerals, and its people were kind, hardworking, and proud. However, despite its many blessings, Zimbabwe was not free.

For close to a century, Zimbabwe had been ruled by an invading powerful empire that imposed its will on the land and its people. The empire took their resources, forced them to follow its laws, and oppressed their culture and traditions. The people of Zimbabwe had long yearned for independence and the chance to govern themselves.

Finally, after years of struggle and sacrifice, the people of Zimbabwe rose up in a glorious revolution. They worked tirelessly, organising protests, rallies, and strikes to raise awareness about the importance of independence. They were met with opposition and even violence from the coloniser, but they refused to back down. As time went on, the movement grew stronger, and more and more people joined in the fight for independence. They wrote letters, made speeches, and created artwork that depicted their struggles and their hopes for a free nation.

They fought with all their might against the empire and its armies, and after a long and bitter struggle, they emerged victorious. The empire was defeated. The foreign power was forced to leave, and the nation was declared independent. Zimbabwe was free at last. Finally, after years of struggle and sacrifice, the day came when their hard work paid off. The people were filled with joy and pride as they raised their new flag and sang their new anthem. They were finally free to make their own decisions and govern themselves.

The road to independence had not been easy, but it was worth it. The people of this nation now had the power to shape their own future, to create the kind of society they wanted to live in. They knew that freedom was not just a word, but a precious gift that had been won through their hard work and dedication.

And so, the nation continued to thrive, with its people working together to build a better future for themselves and their children. They knew that their freedom and independence were not something to be taken for granted, but something to be cherished and protected.

Zimbabwe showed the world that independence and freedom were not just abstract concepts, but fundamental human rights that every person deserves. And though the road to freedom may be long and difficult, it is a journey that is always worth taking. 

However, the struggle for independence was just the beginning of the challenges facing Zimbabwe. The country was still young and fragile, and it had many enemies who wished to see it fail. There were also many internal conflicts, as different groups vied for power and influence.

Despite all these obstacles, the people of Zimbabwe remained determined to build a better future. They worked hard to establish a democratic government, to create a fair and just society, and to promote economic growth and prosperity.

Over time, Zimbabwe grew stronger and more prosperous, and its people became more united and more confident. They celebrated their independence every year with parades, festivals, and speeches, and they never forgot the sacrifices of those who had fought for their freedom.

As the years passed, Zimbabwe became a shining example to the world of what a truly free and independent country — with land in the hands of the majority — could achieve. Its people were proud, its culture was vibrant, and its future was bright.

And so, the story of Zimbabwe teaches us that independence and freedom are not just important for a country, but they are essential for its people to flourish and reach their full potential. Though the road to independence may be long and difficult, the rewards are worth it, for they bring the chance for a better and brighter future.


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